Battle Wounds

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*⚠️ Warning, blood/violence ⚠️*

"Y/N!!" You hear, but it sounds like it's coming from far away.

As you stare at the knife that has plunged into your stomach, you feel the vague sensation of falling.

You barely register the fact that you don't smack into the ground, but are caught by something softer.

"What have you done?!"

"Nothing?" You reply meekly to the shouted question.

"Not you, Angel, I'm sorry, I meant Lila!"

"I-I didn't, it wasn't-"

"I don't care! Plagg, claws out!"

You feel air whooshing past you, and then are laid gently to ground.

You try to sit up and watch as Cat goes to start his attack on Lila, but he quickly tells you to be still.

"And don't pull the knife out! It helps keep the blood in!"

"It's not doing a very good job." You remark as you look at your hand that is now painted red.

"Y/n, you've just been stabbed and now you're being sarcastic? Gosh, I love you!" He says before he turns a glare to Lila.

"Why did you call her 'Angel'? She isn't very angelic."

"Do you really want to taunt me right now?" Cat responds darkly, holding his baton like a bat.

You've angled yourself to be able to see Lila's face drain of color, and watch her get in a battle stance.

"You are not going to win this, so just save yourself the trouble and surrender!" Cat says, knocking her down.

"I can't!" She argues, getting back up.

"Why not?!"

He uses his staff to smack her and she falls down again.

"I promised I wouldn't fail!"

"Too bad!" Cat responds and kicks her when she tries to stand up.

She flies backward and lands with a thud into the fruit stand.

"Before I lose my status as a good person, I'm going to stop this now." Cat says and grabs his tail.

He loops it around one of the metal bars connecting the bottom half of the stand to the roof, and ties both ends to her wrists.

"Ladybug will come take care of you soon enough, I've gotta get y/n to a hospital!"

Lila struggles to get free, but can't.

"Her miraculous!" You call out, surprised at how much your voice croaks.

"I can't get it, the knife will disappear!"

"Just use Voyage and hurry so it won't be needed!!" Kaalki yells at him, she'd been standing guard over you and watching this whole time, making sure you didn't pass out.

"Right, duh!" Cat responds and grabs the butterfly brooch from Lila and runs back over to you.

The knife disappears, so now even more blood is pooling around you, and you pull your hand up to look at it.

"Stay with me y/n, just a little longer!" He pleads as he bends down to pick you up, but you're already feeling lightheaded and dizzy from the blood loss.

"Kaalki, Plagg, unify!"

"Now you're Black Beauty! Get it, like the movie?" You laugh at yourself as you start to close your eyes.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now