Where Are We Going?

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You're on your balcony, leaning against the railing, just after 11 PM, when suddenly you hear a soft thud behind you.

Alerted, you quickly glance back and then calm down, seeing its just Cat Noir.

"Hey Cat!"

"Hi y/n,"

He joins you at the rail, leaning over and looking at the city.

"Paris sure is beautiful, huh?" he says.

"Yeah, no matter how many times I look out, I never get used to how gorgeous everything looks, especially at night."

"Me too. It's really amazing from the Eiffel Tower, don't ya think?"

"Oh yes! I love going there, I do alot, but there's always so many tourists and I've actually never been at night, because my parents want me home before it gets super late, and I'd really like to just enjoy the view without being jostled, and I've heard the most tourists are there at dark." You say with a sad look.

"Wait, you've never been after dark?!"

"Nope. Not even on a special occasion."

"Well, I have and I can tell you, it's amazing, and you have to see it!"

"But I can't! Besides, it's closed now anyway."

"Y'know, being a super hero sure has its perks."

"Yeah, I'm sure it does, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"You'll see. Now, do you trust me?"

"Huh? Um, I mean, yeah, but why?"

He holds his hand out to you, and you take it, with a questioning look.

Suddenly you're in his arms, being lifted as if you weigh no more than a feather.

He jumps over the rail and leaps to the next rooftop.

"Cat Noir! What are you doing?! Where are we going?!"

He smiles at you and says, "Don't worry. Just enjoy the ride!"

You hold onto him tightly, trying to figure out what's happening, but he's running too fast and the wind stings your eyes.

Suddenly he stops, and when you're about to open your eyes, thinking he's going to put you down, the opposite happens.

He clutches you tighter, then extending his staff, raises both of you almost effortlessly.


He laughs and then stops and finally does put you down.

You open your eyes to the most breathtaking view you've ever seen.

He's brought you to the Eiffel Tower.

And there's no tourists.

"Wow! Cat, this is, amazing! Thank you!"

"No purroblem, angel! I told you being a superhero had its perks! You get to go anywhere, at any time!"

You smile at him, then look back over the city, unable to soak it all in.

It was beautiful.

Adrien's POV

She's beautiful.

I mentally slap myself for the thought.

Yes, she is very pretty, but I shouldn't think of my friend like that, it's sorta weird.

And what would Ladybug think? She already thinks I don't really like her, and she'd be sure of it if she knew I was thinking about other girls like I usually only think of her.

But I'm not thinking of other girls like that. Just one girl.


And I don't know why.

But I really can't help it, she does look amazing here, with the soft lights glowing in her eyes, and accenting her features.

Stop it! You shouldn't have this sort of thoughts! It's kind of like cheating on your feelings for Ladybug!

I know it's true, but I really don't know how to stop these stray thoughts.

You feel eyes on you so you look over to Cat Noir.

He seems to be staring at you, but maybe he's just looking past you.

You look back over the city and smile.

You had to come up here more often.

Maybe Cat will bring you back more often?

You hope he would.

He places a hand on your shoulder and asks, "Are you ready to go? It's getting late. It's almost midnight." he shows you the time on his staff.

"Oh. Yeah, I guess we should head back." You say, somewhat dejectedly, you really don't want to leave, it's so pretty.

But then you remember Cat goes to school and needs sleep.

"Ok, lets go." You say, taking one last look at the city before letting him pick you up.

He takes you home and drops you on your balcony, and you immediately miss his warmth.

Wait, what?

Why would you miss the feeling of his strong arms around you?

And why are you thinking this?

"Y/n? Earth to y/n!" Cat's waving his hand in front of your face, snapping you back into reality.

"I'm sorry what? I was just, uh, thinking about the view, heh."

"It's fine, I was just saying I had to get home and go to sleep for school."

"Oh right, erm, bye kitty! And thanks a million for taking me there!"

"Like I said, no purroblem! I'll take you anytime!"

You smile and he returns it.

"Well, I better go, I'll see you later y/n!"

"See ya Cat!"

He jumps off into the night, and you go inside.

Getting ready for bed, you think about what just happened.

It was magical.

You climb into bed and go to sleep quickly, tired from the late night gallivanting.

Hey guys! I definitely like this better than last week's 😂 hope you enjoyed! Also, sorry for the sudden POV change, but I don't really count it as 'Your POV' and just did the the best I could, sorry If it felt jarring 😕

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now