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"What happened?!" Is the main question you and Adrien were asked every two seconds.

You were hardly more aware of the situation than everyone else, and Adrien wasn't saying much.

He said he was used to dodging personal questions, so it was easy for him. 

The doctors that had been doing everything with you decided to take you in for testing.

"Can I-" Cat starts but is cut off by the same doctor who did his stitch work.

"Yes, you can stay in the room."

"What do I tell them? The results will probably come back clear!" You worry as he walks hand in hand with you to a testing room.

"A miraculous thing happened?" He suggests, holding up the hand with his ring.

"You want me to say you made the wish?"

"I guess we could, I doubt they know all the technicalities."

"But they'll probably be asking about the flower. Some of them have probably seen Tangled, so they could recognize it." You say, holding it up.

"Good point... We could say I already had it, and that's where I went?"

"They're not gonna believe you had a magical flower just laying around!" You giggle.

"I know, just going through the options!" He teases.

"In here." The doctor leading you says, gesturing to a door.

You both go in and Cat stands next to you and holds your hand while the doctors do blood work and so many other tests you lose track of what they all are. 

By the time the results have come back your parents have been called and have rushed back to the hospital.

They talk about the results quietly with the doctors before they're allowed to come see you.

After many hugs and tears, they too ask what happened.

"They told us there was no way you'd be alright!" Your mother says tearfully.

"Cat saved me!" You say, grinning at him.

"Oh, thank you! But how?" She asks, turning to him.

"Um, I used the wish to make this flower!" He responds, holding it up.

"What wish?" You father asks.

"The one granted to anybody in possession of specific miraculouses, but I can't say which ones."

"Oh, that thing Hawkmoth was wanting?" Your mother interprets.


"But what's the flower do?"

"Don't you remember?! It's like the one in Tangled!" You say.

"This is all really strange, but I don't care, I'm just glad you're alright!" Your mother says, giving you a hug.

"So what did my test results say?" You ask.

"They were all clear. The hospital does want to keep you here for observations though, everyone is baffled."

"I can see why, it is all pretty confusing." You laugh.

Soon the doctors get you settled into a room and ask if you need anything.

"A toothbrush, for starters. And a shower."

"Then it's a good thing I remembered to get some things from home yesterday!" Your mother says, pulling a tied grocery bag out of her purse and handing it to you.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now