Cheesy Night

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After Plagg finished his cheese, he floated over and fell asleep on your pillow, so Adrien decided to stay a little while.

Which of course, was fine with you.

Now you are sitting on the bed, with Adrien beside you.

"So I know you probably didn't want to get into it in front of my parents, but how are you really? I mean, after going through all that?" You ask gently.

"Well, I'm not even sure how to feel. This entire time, it was my dad doing all that to Paris, my friends, even some of our staff, who I'd think of as family. My bodyguard, he was akumatized, and though he doesn't really talk, I know he cares about me. He usually shows me more compassion than my father."

"Wow, Adrien. That's awful, I'm so sorry!"

"It's not your fault! I guess what's really hurt the most, is the looks I've gotten from people. Like when I go in public, some people will give me dirty looks, as if I told my father to do it, or that I would be capable of doing the things he did. He may be my dad, but I would never hurt Paris and it's people like him!" He says, eyes watery.

"I know you wouldn't, Kitty. They don't know you, so they wouldn't know that you wouldn't, but it still doesn't give them the right to treat you like that!"

He gives you a half smile, and says "Thanks, Angel. I just wish there was some way to show them that I'm nothing like my father."

"Maybe there is?" You say, questioningly.

"Like what? The biggest difference is I'm one of the people saving Paris from him, but I couldn't tell people that!"

"Yeah, definitely not."

"And then there's the press, always bombarding me, asking what's next in my career, when I've never really even liked modeling. If I never did it again I'd be happy!"

"Then don't! Do something you love!"

"But I don't know what that is!"

"The good thing is, you don't have to worry about it yet. We're young, we have a few years before we have to get an actual job. Plus, you still have money, right? Being famous and all." You say and laugh.

"Yeah, and I could probably sell lots of stuff if I needed to."

"See, there ya go. No need to worry."

"You're right. How is it I always feel better after talking to you?" He asks, grinning.

"I just have that effect, I guess." You shrug exaggeratedly.

He laughs and puts his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into a side hug.

You smile and lay your head on his shoulder.

He presses his lips to the top of your head, making you smile.

"So did your family say anything about me after I left?" He asks.

"My mom told me she thinks you're cute. I agreed." You inform him.

He laughs, and says "I think you're cute too!"

You giggle and take his hand.

"I'm glad they liked you. Maybe you can come hang out more often?" You ask hopefully.

"Maybe. Especially if your mom makes that ratatouille again!"

You laugh, and say, "She might, if you ask nicely."

"And when do I ever do something not nicely?" He asks, faking offense.

"Well, I bet Felix wouldn't call you too nice." You point out.

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