Going Home

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When Adrien emerges from a portal and detransforms, you scoff at his attire.

"Why do you get actual pajamas and I have to wear this thing?!" You ask, gesturing to your gown.

"Because you don't wanna have to explain why you either left the hospital, or, allowed me to go your room." He explains simply as he gets food for Kaalki.

"Oh, darling! Have you seen his house? It's huge!" She asks, flying over to you excitedly.

"Yeah, you were with me, remember?" You giggle.

"Oh yes. But I couldn't see it then!"

You laugh as Adrien looks at you and Nooroo on the bed, then at Plagg on the couch.

"Did you guys have a fight or something?"

"Nah, Plagg just threatened to destroy us all if we woke him."

"Ohh, I'm not surprised."

"Well I will take my chances, I'm going to sleep. And I'll let you two have the bed to yourselves." Kaalki says, giving you a wink.

"What happened to no funny business, and we need to rest?" You laugh.

"You seem fine to me!" She responds, floating over with Nooroo trailing cautiously behind her.

They arrange themselves where they should be hidden if a nurse checks in, and lay down to sleep.

Adrien makes sure the mask is on right, then comes over and moves the blankets hesitantly.

"I'm fine with it, but I won't be if you don't hurry up!"

He grins and quickly gets under the covers with you.

As he wraps his arms around you, you try to get settled without interfering with the wires.

Eventually you find you can lay with the arm attached to the monitors stretched out behind you, while your head and other hand rest on Adrien's chest.

He purrs, making you giggle.

"If the nurses come in here while I'm doing that, they're gonna think I'm a complete weirdo!" He complains.

"Nah, they'll probably find it as cute as I do!"

"Well as long as they don't start trying to do tests on me!"

"Surely they won't! It's easy to understand. Cute Kitty equals cute purring!"

"If you say so."

"I do!" You say, then lean up to kiss him.

But you pull away as soon as the heart monitor starts beeping a little faster.

"Ugh. I'm ready to get out of here! That thing is embarrassing!"

"Aw, if it makes you feel better my heart beats faster when we kiss too!"

You giggle, and hide your flushed cheeks in his chest.

He gives you a very light squeeze, too worried to do anything else.

But of course you're interrupted by a nurse, who asks about the heart monitor.

"Just saying goodnight!" You inform them.

After they leave you groan exasperatedly.

"Seriously, goodnight. It's been a long day."

"You're telling me!" Adrien says, and you feel him shudder a little.

"I love you." You say, hoping to take his mind off what happened earlier.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now