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Adrien's POV

At school the next day, most of the class is crowded around Alya, who has been showing the same pictures over and over again.

Apparently her and Nino were out at the fair together as well as me and y/n, and they saw us.

And decided to mercilessly take photos of us on the rides, walking around, and generally being a normal couple.

I guess it is surprising for a superhero to just be walking around the fair, but it shouldn't be, since the fact that said superhero has a girlfriend has gotten out.

Yes, it's all because I'm famous, I know that, but even though I have magical superpowers that doesn't make me any less human.

I think.

The whole purring really throws me off on that idea.

Though I only purr as Cat Noir, never Adrien.

But, I haven't really been in the same situations.

I'm usually transformed when I'm with y/n, and I don't just go around cuddling things.

Chloe comes into the classroom, looks at the crowd around Alya, and scoffs.

"What are you losers doing? Looking at that silly blog of hers?"

"Yeah, Chloe. It's some very interesting pictures about Cat Noir and his girlfriend." Alya says smugly.

Chloe scoffs again, and I know what she's about to say.

"Ugh! That peasant! Did you know it's the same loser that almost ran me over here at the school?! And yet Cat Noir was sticking up for her!"

I try to ignore it, so I don't reveal my identity, but I can't just let her talk about y/n like that.

"Chloe, you really shouldn't call people 'peasants' and 'losers'." I say, trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice.

"Oh Adrikins, don't be silly! You know we're better than them!"

"No we're not. Just because some people have more money than others, or their father is a mayor, it doesn't mean they are better than people who have less money, or a nonpolitical parent."

She doesn't reply after that, just rolls her eyes and looks ahead.

"Go Adrien! You told her!" I hear Alya say from behind me.

I turn and shrug, not really wanting to be admired for telling off a friend. 

"So, you wanna come see the pictures?" She asks, waving her phone.

"No thanks, I've already seen them."

More like lived them. I think to myself.

"Oh right, you follow my Ladyblog don't you?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Because you're a really big Ladybug fan?"

"I mean, I like her and all, but I'm interested in all the supers, plus I want to support you."

"Huh. I mean, thanks and all, but I'd always thought you were a huge Ladybug fan."

"She's great, yes, I just wouldn't say she's my favorite."

"Really? Who is then?"

"Um, Equina." I say sheepishly.

"Why her? I know she was there with the whole Hawkmoth ordeal, but isn't that all?"

Hopefully it's alright for me to say this.

"Not exactly, she also came to help get my mother to the hospital. That's why I like her so much, she helped me and my mom."

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now