A Talking To

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Adrien's POV

Even though a question was asked, nobody says anything for a few seconds, just stares at each other in stunned silence.

"Once again, what is going on here? Where is your mother?" The question is directed at y/n, but I still get as nervous as if it was for me.

"She uh, she went to get s/n."

"So why are you here?" He turns to me.

"Uh, I um, we were..."

"You were what?" He basically growls at me.

"We were just hanging out!" Y/n tries to fix the situation.

"Sure. Why do you look like that? All red and wild-haired? What's been happening here?"

"A pillow fight." I'm glad to answer honestly.

"Right." He clearly doesn't believe me.

"That's seriously what we were doing!" Y/n backs me up.

"You. Come with me." He says to me, making panic rise and I forget to breathe for a second.

"Why?" Y/n asks, stepping in front of me.

"Because we need to have a talk."

"About what?" She continues.

"That's between me and him."

As if I wasn't scared enough.

"If he does anything bad I'll fight him." She whispers to me.

Effort appreciated, but it still doesn't help calm me, much.

I reluctantly follow him to a different room, wondering if I could transform and jump out a window.

But I don't want to leave y/n to deal with this alone.

"It's about time we have a conversation. Man to man. I want you to answer everything truthfully." He says as he shuts the door.

I gulp.

"So what were you really doing?"

"We really were having a pillow fight! The pillows are probably still wadded up if you want to look."

"And why were you here? When my wife is gone, no less."

"To be fair, I was here before she left."

"How long have you been here?!"

"Uhh, since last night?" I might as well admit it, he's gonna get it out of me eventually.

Hopefully it'll make this go faster.

"So you've been here all night? And my wife knew about it?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"What did you do?"

"We built a fort, ate, and watched movies."

"And that's all?"

"Pretty much. We played a game for a little while, but not long."

"And where did you sleep?"

"In the fort."

"What about y/n?"

"The fort was big enough for two."

"Mmhmm. Look, I'm gonna stop beating around the bush here, you're a good looking young man, I know my daughter thinks that, and that she thinks highly of you."

"Uh, thanks?"

"I don't want you taking advantage of that."

"Of course not, I would never!"

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