Jealous Kitty

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You were sitting on your couch,  waiting for a knock at your front door.

When you hear it you quickly get up and open the door with a smile.

"Hello y/n, dear! Thank you so much for watching Shadow for us!" Says your elderly neighbor, while handing you a cat carrier.

"It's no problem! I love hanging out with the little guy!" You respond.

While your family has been living in the area, you would always watch whatever pet the older couple had at the time, so they could go on their annual road trip through Europe, as they'd been doing since retirement.

In return, they would babysit at any given time, with barely a moments notice.

So as you take in Shadow and all the things he'd need, you listen to their last minute instructions that's not on the small list you're given.

After you bid the neighbors goodbye, you take Shadow to your room and get his litter and feeding place set up.

"Well Shadow, ready to reacquaint yourself with the place?" You ask, letting him out of the carrier.

As the cat walks around sniffing and finding the best spots to nap in, you notice how much he looks like Cat Noir.

And Plagg, of course.

The cat is completely black, with green eyes.

"Hey, if we put bananas on your head, you would be the spitting image of my boyfriend! And as I say that I realize how strange it sounds." You say with a laugh.

Shadow barely acknowledges you, other than looking from you to his empty food bowl.

"No no, your list says not to feed you until later! I know you just had breakfast!"

If cats can look annoyed, that's definitely the emotion Shadow is conveying.

You laugh and pick him up.

He seems to mind the food predicament a little less now, as he starts to cuddle with you.

You spend the rest of the day making sure s/n doesn't harm Shadow in any way, and breath a sigh of relief when they go to bed.

They weren't intentionally going to hurt him, but rambunctious children and cats who are used to elderly people don't mix. 

You get yourself and Shadow ready for bed as well, though you doubt the small bed will be used much when Shadow jumps onto your bed and watches you.

So you go ahead and unlock the balcony door, then climb into bed with a book.

As you expected, Shadow curls up in your lap, even while you rest your book against him.

Before long you hear the usual knock at the balcony, and since you don't want to disturb the sleeping cat, you just call out for Adrien to go ahead and open the door.

"Hey, Kitty!" You say as he enters.

"Hi, Angel!" He responds while he shuts the door.

You mark the book page you're on and set it aside, while Cat turns around, nose in the air.

"What's that... Who's your friend?" He asks, noticing Shadow on your lap, who has woken up now.

"This is Shadow! I'm watching him for my neighbors. Isn't he cute?" You grin, starting to pet him.

"Uh-huh. Why's he in my spot?"

"What?" You laugh through your confusion.

"That's my spot." Cat says as he walks over.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now