Cat Walks Are Hard

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You once again went on a walk with Shadow, around the time school would be out because it worked well the day before.

This time you don't get too close to the school, you know Adrien has fencing anyway.

He'd told you last night, after gloating that he'd quickly gotten to his spot before Shadow.

Although, he could be about done, you were walking a while.

Even though you don't go near it, you still see a few students.

Namely, one that you had no desire to see at all.


He must've been getting out of or going to a book club meeting, and you were lucky enough to run into him.

You try to ignore him, but of course he doesn't listen.

"Y/n, hi! I was just on my way to book club, want to join? Or we could go somewhere else." He says suggestively.

"No thanks. I'm busy."

"Ohh, I see. Have you traded in on cats? Good decision. This one is cute, almost as cute as his owner." He says as he looks in at Shadow, then gives you a wink.

You roll your eyes and will Shadow to scratch him.

"I'm not his owner, I'm just cat sitting."

"Either way, he probably wouldn't mind if we took off. This is clearly a much better cat. The other one was annoying."

He might as well have asked you to punch him, so that's of course what you do.


"Hi!" You respond with a maliciously kind tone.

"Why would you do that?!"

"You're borderline harassing me, and then you insult my boyfriend? I thought you wanted me to."


"Oops, I misread the situation! Now if you'll excuse me, I have places to be." You don't really have plans, but you expect he won't care about continuing to bother you otherwise.

You try to walk past him, but he grabs your arm.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I don't think I'm going anywhere. I know I'm leaving this conversation."

"So you're just going to punch me and leave? Oh no. You're going to make it up to me."

"Yeah, OK. Call me on February 30th and I'll get right on that."

"Uh-uh. Now."

"Now I'll punch you again? Okay!" You say cheerily.

"You should've stopped talking to me like that. Do you not know when to stop? That's an annoying trait."

"You mean like you?" You laugh at his ridiculousness.

"I said stop! Huh-" He had almost hit you, but since you were laughing you didn't see it coming.

Someone else sure did though.

"What do you think you're doing?" You hear in a low tone.

"Oh great, the trade in." Jean remarks, trying uselessly to pull his arm away from Cat's grip.

"Is that what your parents call you?" You and Cat say in unison.

"Excuse me?!"

"You're excused. Go on, get outta here."  Cat says, flinging Jean's arm down.

"No way. She punched me!"


"I don't know!"

"He called you annoying, and he was trying to make me go out with him. Again." You clarify.

"So it was deserved."



"You two are nuts."

"At least we're not as nuts as you!" You say, to which Jean grimaces.

"This isn't over." He grumbles as he stalks away, towards the book club door.

"Thanks, Kitty. I thought I'd never get rid of him!"

"Of course, Angel. Though I am quite upset that I missed your boxing match!"

"Maybe we can do it again sometime!"

"Sounds fun!"

You laugh and pick up Shadow's carrier, which you had set down to keep from jostling him too bad when things got heated.

"So, any word from the neighbors about when he leaves?" Cat asks, looking at him.

"No, you dork. I can't believe you!"

"What did I do?!"

"When I have a human guy literally trying to set up a date you're just like 'Hey. Hands off or we'll both beat you up.' "You do a bad impression of him, causing him to crack up.

"But when this itty bitty kitty tries to be cuddly you get so upset!"

"It probably something to do with the miraculous!"

"Sure, sure."

"I shall not stand for these accusations! I am leaving!"

"Awh, no, really?"

"No, I'll never leave you!" He blurts, then turns red.

"Awww yay!"

"Was that ventriloquism?! How did you do that?!"

"I didn't do anything!"

"Have you been practicing witchcraft or something?"

"If we were in the 1600s, yes. Because why else would I hang out with so many black cats? Not to mention the science work I did earlier."

He laughs, until his face suddenly falls.

"What's wrong?" You ask.

"My ride just arrived. I've gotta go."

"Ahh, bye. See you tonight?"

"Sure thing!"

He gives you a quick hug and kiss, then takes off to hide and detransform.

You continue the walk home, which includes passing Adrien's car, where you are waved at from within by a very perky looking woman who must be the famous shipping mom.

You wave back to her and get home, where you get Shadow settled in.

Luckily s/n has gotten most of the pent up energy of the day out, and isn't too rambunctious with the cat.

"Hey Mom!" You overhear s/n in the kitchen from where you are playing with Shadow in the living room.

"What is it?"

"My friend is having a sleep over party! Can I go??"

"Which friend? And when?"

S/n explains all the details and continues to beg.

Your mother sighs and gives in, which makes s/n loudly celebrate.

Over dinner that evening, the event is brought up again.

"How fun, I found out earlier I'm going to have to take a work trip then! We both get to spend the night somewhere new!" Your father says to s/n.

"Well then, it seems we get the house to ourselves!" You mother grins at you.

"It'll be fun!"

Although, an idea is already formulating for you, and that idea would mean a few extra than just you and Mom.

Thanks to kelskelp for lots of ideas that I used here and will be using soon😉

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now