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Adrien's POV

As I do my last bit of homework I think about Felix.

Why does he think I want to 'duel' him?

I think I made it pretty clear he's supposed to stay away from y/n.

How is it possible he took that as an invitation to fight?

And to fight over a person, how stupid!

Y/n can make her own decisions, she's not a prize for whoever wins this imaginary rivalry he's invented.

She'll choose who she likes most.

And I really hope that's me.

If not, I'll respect her and the choice she makes, but I honestly want her to choose me for her own benefit.

Felix is definitely not who he used to be.

Before, he was a really good friend, and kind.

He could also take hints.

Now, he seems to have no interests in keeping up our old relationship.

Which is sad, because aside from Chloe, he was the closest thing to a friend I ever had.

We used to switch places all the time, even fooled my parents for a whole weekend.

I smile at the memories, and Plagg notices and asks what I'm grinning at.

He knows it's not the math homework in front of me.

"I'm just thinking about how Felix and I used to be really close. But when mom uh, got sick, father wouldn't let me see him, and then his dad passed away, and I couldn't go to the funeral, so he's still upset about that, I think."

"Ohh. But didn't you apologize and tell him why you didn't come?"

"Yeah, but it can be hard to accept apologies for stuff like that, even when they're truthful."

"I know, but still. You would've went if your father had let you, right?"

"Of course! I begged him to let me go, but his answer was always the same. No."


"I don't know. But it was painful, to know this cousin I'd been so close to as a child was hurting, and I couldn't be there for him."

Plagg makes a sound of empathy, then pats my arm and sits with his cheese wedge, the emotions too much for him, I guess.

I smile at him and finish the homework.

After a while I get hungry and check the time to see it's dinnertime.

After I make sure Plagg has enough cheese I go down to the kitchen and ask the chef to prepare me something.

While I'm waiting Aunt Amelie comes down and gives her order.

I'm glad to see her, she hasn't been her usual, perky self since we took mom to the hospital.

"Hi Aunt Amelie!" I greet her.

"Hello, dear. Waiting for dinner?"

"Yeah. I'm starving!"

She laughs lightly and says "Me too. Oh, have you seen Felix recently? I need to talk with him."

"He was in my room earlier, but I haven't seen him for a while."

"Aw, I'm glad you two are reconnecting! He was so sad when he couldn't see you for such a long time!"

"I was too. It's been great having you guys here!" I mean, it could be better, but it's still nice to have more company.

"That's what I was thinking, it's been so good seeing you this much! It's actually what I wanted to talk with Felix about, I was thinking that we could stay here until we get something definite about your mother, so you won't be alone."

"That's a great idea! I hope Felix won't mind, but he's seemed to be settled in pretty well!"

A little too well if you ask me.

"I thought so too!"

Before we can talk more, the chef brings out our food.

We thank him and start eating.

Felix comes in before long, after asking for his meal.

"Where have you been, sweetie?" Aunt Amelie asks him.

"The park." He answers shortly and sits down.

I feel my eyebrows go down in anger, before quickly raising them again.

Wouldn't want to seem suspicious.

I can't imagine the horrors that would follow if he found out I was Cat Noir.

"Good. Honey, would you say you like it here?" His mother asks.

"Yeah, I guess. Why?" He answers.

"Well, I was just talking with Adrien, and we both think it's a good idea for me and you to stay here for a while. Just to find out what's going to happen with your aunt, then go from there."

He looks surprised, then relaxes.

"Yeah. Sure. I think I'll be able to find things to do." He says with a smirk.

I'll wipe that right off if you don't stop! I think.

That was rude, wow.

Why was I that mean?

I guess I'm just annoyed with him.

"Hooray! Then it's settled! I'll have the Butler send over some more of our things!" Aunt Amelie chirps, and clears her plate quickly, before rushing off, not bothering to clean up.

I know we have a housekeeper for that, but it is nice to help.

"So, cuz. Looks like we'll be spending lots of time together." Felix says.

"Uh, yeah. I'm sure we'll have lots of fun." I reply as nicely as I can muster.

"What all do you do for run here?"

"Well, to be honest, I've never really had that much free time. The school gave me time off for a while, but I'll be back soon. But I won't have photoshoots, unless I just need money or whatever, I dunno. I like to fence. And hang out with my friends."

"Fencing, huh? You any good?"

"Best of my class. Well, me and my friend Kagami are the best."

"Kagami? That's an interesting name."

"Yeah, she's from Japan."


"Uh, yeah?"

"Oh, you like her?"

"What? No. I'm not like you, and try to get with every girl I see."

"Sure. Aren't you like, famous? I bet you've got tons of girls swooning over you who you go out with." He says with an eye roll.

"I do have plenty of fans, yes, but I don't go out with any of them."

That's sort of a lie, as y/n was a fan.

But not of Adrien, of Cat Noir.

"Yeah, ok. Anyway, you should take me to your fencing class. Then we'll see who's the best."

"If you want. I doubt you'll beat Kagami though, she's been training most of her life!"

"Uh huh." He says with a knowing look.

"Think what you want, but I don't like her."

"I believe you." He says in a tone that makes it clear he doesn't.


I'm not wasting time telling him about my love life.

What do French people eat? Other than fries, macaroons, croissants and souffles, of course.

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