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Adrien's POV

After school I'm quickly followed by Nino.

"So we're gonna try and figure out what movie to watch while you fence, then we'll run the suggestions past you, cool?"

"I guess. I won't be too long, also, nothing over two hours please?"

"You got it, bro."


I head to fencing, and go get ready, and let Plagg get settled in my locker.

"You gotta let me sit somewhere so I can see too! What if it's a cool movie with explosions?!"

"We'll figure something out." I laugh and close the door.

When I go out, I find Kagami and Felix have already arrived and are waiting for class to start.

I don't know what's going on with them, but they sure seem to hang out often.

Felix must be being respectful though, because I know if he wasn't Kagami would have used a less safe saber with him.

I possibly would have joined in.

I go over and greet them, but we can't get into a conversation before Mr. D'Argencourt comes in and tells us to start.

Felix and I get paired, which is a bit unfair to him because when this happens I always remember what all he's done and it gives me an urge to win.

So I win our match, and he congratulates me, for some reason.

He might be up to something.

Hopefully he won't be, for his own sake.

If y/n does become the Guardian and gets to keep Kaalki, I would give her the suggestion of sending him to a jungle somewhere.

Class ends on time, as usual, so I get Plagg and my things and go out to meet my friends.

On the way out though, I bump into someone, coming out of a different door. 

"Oh, sorry." I quickly say, but almost take it back when I see who it is.

"It's fine." Jean says.

"Wait a second, you're Adrien Agreste, right?" He asks.


"So that thing we did a while back, the homeschool exchange program?"

I swear, if this is going where I think it is I'm gonna sign this guy up for fencing too.

"Yes. What about it?"

"That girl that came here, y/n? You were her guide, right?"

"Uh-huh." I try not to glare at him.

"Did you by any chance get her number?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I was hoping you could hook a dude up!"

"First of all, I'm not going to give out people's numbers to random people, second, wasn't there a whole lot going on around the fact that she has a boyfriend?"

"Well, yeah, but hey, people break up all the time!"

"I think they're still together, I've seen them around before."

"So I've got some competition. No big."

"Listen, I'm not going to give you her number, but I will tell you that I know she could give you the beating of your life if you don't leave her alone."

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