Cold Kitty

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A few hours after you've returned from the restaurant where you saw Adrien, and you thought everyone had gone to bed, your bedroom door opens, and in walks s/n.

"Why aren't you asleep?" You ask, needing them to go away so they're not around when Cat arrives.

"I wanted some water. And I remembered something."


"Wasn't that Adrien at the restaurant? He was right across from us."

"Ok, so?"

"So did you go to see him when you left? He was gone too."

"I went outside, what's it to you?"

"Well I wanted to see him too. He has a cute little kitty!"

He is a cute little kitty. You think before you answer.

"He might not have brought Plagg with him, because he's a secret. Remember?"

"Yeah, that's why I can do this!" They say, then demonstrate the bubble effect.

"Yep. Well it's too late to see him now, so you better get to bed!" You continue your efforts to get rid of them.

"Doesn't he come to see you at night?"

"He already saw me today, so he doesn't need to."

Of course, he is going to, but that's just because he wants to.

"Okay but I told some of my friends that I know him and they want to meet him."


"Hey!! Don't wake up Mom and Dad!!! They'll be mad I'm still awake!!"

"Yeah, exactly! So go to bed! And stop telling people you know Adrien!"

"I didn't."

"You just said you did!"

"Nu-uh! I told them I know Cat Noir!"

"Same difference!"

"Can he come to my school?"

"No! He goes to school enough!"

"But he wouldn't have to do any work! Just talk to my friends! I guess you could come too, but they don't wanna see you."

"I'm interesting too!"

"You're not a superhero though."

Yeah, tell that to Kaalki.

"Right, whatever, I'll ask him if he'd want to. But no promises!"

"Ok but can he do it in a few days? Cause it's a career day and I want his career! Career means job!"

"I know. And you want to be a model?"

"No, silly! I want to be a superhero!" They say, standing in the stereotypical superhero pose.

"Good luck. Maybe he'd do it, but don't count on it!"

"Well ask him! And tell him you'll kiss him five hundred times if he does! But don't do it around me, cause that's gross."

"I'm not going to say that! Besides, what makes you think we kiss?" You ask, not wanting them to mention anything to your father.

You're sure your face is a bit red, but you hope they won't notice, and if they do, not understand why.

"Because I've seen you! And I wish I hadn't! It's bad enough with Mom and Dad!"

"Right, no kissing. Now get out and go to bed! I've got things I gotta do!"

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now