Checking In

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Adrien's POV

After y/n has called her parents with the news, since Ladybug hadn't told them yet, they rush to the hospital.

"Y/n!" Her mother says loudly, hurrying into the room.

"Hey guys."

"What happened?!" Mr. L/n asks.

"There was an accident... Involving a knife..." Y/n says.

"You said I was exaggerating when I said you might've been bleeding out with a stab wound!" Mrs. L/n says, which makes me wonder what kind of conversation brought that on.

"Well now you get to say 'I told you so!'"

"How did this happen?! Where were you?!" Her dad asks.

"I was the Eiffel Tower, and someone new who had the same powers as Hawkmoth had a knife and stabbed me."

"And where were you?!" He asks, turning to me.

"I was there, but everything happened so fast I couldn't do anything. I detained the person immediately though." I doubt he'd believe me saying how awful I feel.

"So you just let her be stabbed?! But it's OK, since you got the bad guy."

"No! I feel horrible about it!"

"He got hurt too!" Y/n says.

"Must not have been too bad, he seems fine."

"He had to get stitches!"

"It doesn't matter! At least you're both alright now!" Mrs. L/n interrupts.

They stay and visit for hours, until s/n starts complaining of being bored and tired.

"You take s/n home, I'll stay with y/n." Mrs. L/n tells her husband.

"It's ok mom, you don't need to stay. You have work to do tomorrow, plus I doubt you'll be able to sleep well on that." She says, gesturing to the uncomfortable looking couch her parents are on.

"I'll be fine, besides I don't want you to have to stay here alone."

"She won't be alone, I'm staying here. They're supposed to be monitoring my stitches, so I won't be going to school." I say.

"No way! You can't stay in here alone with her!" Mr. L/n outbursts.

"There's going to be nurses checking in every little while just like they have been." Y/n reminds him.

"That doesn't matter! Besides, he's the one who let you get here in the first place!"

"He didn't let me get stabbed!"

"I really didn't!"

"F/n, really. They're both injured, nothing is going to happen." Her mom says. (Father's Name)

"Yeah!" Y/n confirms.

"I'm going to be asking a nurse to be checking in with you every few minutes! So don't try anything!" He says to us, probably mostly directed to me 

"We won't! Jeez!" Y/n responds.

They all say goodbye, and y/n's dad gives me a very pointed look on his way out.

"We're not gonna get like, any sleep if nurses are in here every two minutes." Y/n groans.

"Maybe they'll just peek in?"


Kaalki and Nooroo fly out from their hiding places, and Kaalki looks at us.

"He was right, no funny business! You both need to rest!"

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