Surprise Date

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The day after you'd went with Cat and Ladybug to take care of Lila and Hawkmoth, Cat arrived at your balcony door just after 11 PM, which is a little later than normal for him.

He made his presence known with the usual knock, so you get up to let him in.

"Hi Angel!" He greets, giving you a hug.

"Hey Kitty!" You say, returning the hug.

"Well, I don't know about you, since you're inside, but it seems to me like it's a purrfect night." Cat says, gesturing to the full moon visible through the open balcony door.

"It seems to me that you're right." You respond, slipping onto the balcony.

"So on this purrfect night, might I angelnap you?" He asks, giving you a sly grin.

"I think I could allow it." You agree, wondering what he's got planned.

"Yay!" He swiftly picks you up and takes off, jumping away.

It startles you, so you close your eyes.

When you start to open them, he notices and tells you not to peek.

"Where are we going?" You ask.

"I can't tell you! It's a surpurrise!"

You laugh at his pun and don't ask any more questions.

Once he's stopped and set you down, you open your eyes to see that you're on the Eiffel Tower, but that's not all.

There's also many blankets on the platform, some spread out, others folded neatly, pillows around as well.

Then placed around the blankets there's candles and you notice some of your favorite candy and other snack foods placed on the pillows.

And of course standing beside it all is Cat, grinning sheepishly.

"Wow, Cat! What is all this?!" You ask in wonderment.

"A celebration!"

"Of what?"

"Lots of things!" He says, taking your hand and gently leading you to the setup.

You sit down beside him, and take the candy he offers you.

"Like what?" You ask.

"Well, the fact that you're ok, and finished with the hospital, first of all."

You smile softly, eating some candy.


"And being rid of the butterfly's evil users. There's no way they can get out, or spread anything about our identities!" He says happily.

"So the stuff worked?"

"Like a charm!"

"Good. Anything else to celebrate?"

"Uh-huh! My mom is getting released from the hospital tomorrow!"

"That's great! I'm so glad she's ok!"

"Me too! Aunt Amelie has been so happy to see her, so I guess they'll be staying around a while longer.

"Well as long as Felix leaves you alone, it should be fine, right?"

"Yeah, and Plagg will be sure to keep him in check." He laughs.

"Of course!"

"You need to meet her sometime!"

"I'd like to, but how would we do that? I'm technically not dating Adrien, and I don't want to publicly 'break up' with you, since we're more likely to be seen like this, since it's easier to be ignored, for whatever reason. And the reactions are better." You laugh at remembering the shocked glances you've seen, being out with him.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now