First Day

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You groaned upon hearing one of your favorite songs, which isn't an often occurrence.

But today it's waking you up, instead of just listening to it.

You hit the snooze button on the alarm, then cover your head with the blankets.

Before you can go back to sleep, the song blares again, so you shut it off and drag yourself up to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Why me?" You mutter, standing up and going to get ready.

When you're dressed and have everything you should need, you go to the kitchen for f/b. (Favorite breakfast)

After eating you tell your parents goodbye, and head out, then walk in the direction of the school.

When you get there, you see a familiar head of blond hair getting out of a car.

Quickly making sure nobody else is around, and the few that are, aren't looking in your direction, you quickly walk over to him.

"Hello, my good sir! Could you purrhaps point me in the direction of the Purrincipal?" You say.

He quickly looks around with a confused and slightly scared look, before laughing.

"Why yes, my fair lady, just yonder!" Adrien says, laughing and pointing inside.

"Thank you, my good man!"

He laughs, and starts to walk toward the building, motioning to follow.

"Remember, if anyone asks, we don't know each other!" He reminds you.

"I know, I know. But however should I pretend to have forgotten a face as cute as yours?"

He blushes, before saying, "The same way I'll pretend to have forgotten your beauty!"

You look down, feeling your face get hotter, and he laughs.

By now you've reached the doorway, and he pushes it open, nodding for you to go ahead.

You do, and look around at all the students rushing about, and just taking in how large it is.

"Ok, so the Purrincipal, as you said, is down this hall, big wooden door." Adrien directs.

"You're not escorting me?" You tease.

"Alas, I must not. People might get suspicious."

"I guess. Will we have the same schedule?"

"Probably. Considering I'm supposed to be your guide and all."

"Yet here you are, not guiding me. Shirking your duties."

"I'm not supposed to know you, yet!"

"I know, I'm just kidding." You say, laughing.

"You're being rude. Go to the principal's office!" He says, pointing down the hall.

"Fiinee!" You say childishly, and start in the direction Adrien said.

When you find the big wooden door, you knock, and are quickly answer with a "Come in.".

You do as told, and open the door to find a strangely birdlike man sitting behind a desk.

"Um, hi, I'm y/n? For the homeschool program?"

"Ah, yes! I am Principal Damocles, and this is your school issued tablet, which contains your schedule for the week, your first class today is Miss Bustier's literature. She will introduce you with your guide, one of our top students, who also was homeschooled." He says, handing you a tablet.

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