What Now?

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Ladybug's POV

After the two adults were placed in cells and everything had been settled, court dates made, we all went outside.

"Pound it?" I ask sticking my fist out.

"Pound it!" Everyone says as we do a six way fist bump.

Then a round of beeping goes off, so I walk Rena, Carapace, and Viperon to two separate allies, while Cat and Equina go to a different one.

I wonder if he's going to show her his identity?

"Couldn't we all reveal ourselves?" Rena asks.

"I know you want to see who we all are, but you can't, in case something happens and we need to protect Paris again. It's still not safe. Sorry."

"No, it's ok. I understand. Thanks for letting us help all these times!" She replies.

"Thanks for doing it, we couldn't have done this without you guys!"

They both smile and detransform, giving me their miraculous.

I only have less than a minute left, so I detransform, give Tikki a cookie from my purse and transform again to go collect Viperon's miraculous.

"Hey. Thanks for your help, I need your miraculous back now." I say.

"Oh yeah, anytime." He says in his calm voice.

I smile and watch as he detransforms and hands me the bracelet.

"Thank you."

"Sure thing, Ladybug. I'm happy to help."

I smile and ask if he needs help getting home.

He declines so I walk to the alley Cat and Equina went to.

"Are you two back there and transformed?" I ask.

"Yeah, come on." Cat says.

I walk in and say hi.

"Hi Ladybug!" Y/n says.

"Hey. I just want to thank you for helping us."

"Oh yeah, it was kinda fun. Thanks for letting me!" She replies.

"Sure. Cat, do you want to come with me to um, put away the miraculouses or what?" I falter, not wanting y/n to know about Master Fu.

"Uh, no. I'm gonna walk y/n home." He replies.

I'm not surprised, I guess I just wanted to talk to him about everything.

"Okay." I try not to sound disappointed, but this is possibly the last time we'll be saving Paris together, and I thought we might could do something.

But he's about to detransform anyway, he'll probably just be going home.

Y/n gives me her miraculous after saying thanks to Kaalki, and her and Cat say goodbye and walk away talking.

I feel a weird sensation in my stomach, I don't know what it is.

Jealousy. The thought comes from nowhere.

What? It couldn't be, why would I be jealous?

I don't like Cat, I never have.

Adrien has always been the one for me.

Cat doesn't even like me anymore.

That's it.


A new self low for me.

I only realize I like him when he moves on.

There's no way I could tell him now, a couple weeks ago it'd be a good thing to know, but not now.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now