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You were trying to force your way through some schoolwork when your phone buzzed, and you were happy to be distracted.

Even happier when you find it's from Adrien.

So, I was right and my mom does want you to come over for dinner lol

OK haha. When should I be there?

Uhh, whenever you want, I guess. We usually eat around 6 or so.

I guess I'll come a little before?

Sounds good!

You chat a minute more, before he has to get back to class from the break.

So you try to endure the rest of the schoolwork, then take Shadow on his walk.

For the most part it's uneventful, except when you run into Alya.

"Hi y/n!" She says

"Uh, hey."

"So have you seen Ladybug recently? I haven't in days!"

"Not really, no. Why?"

"It's hard to run a blog about her when she's never around."

"Right. Well, the only super I ever see is Cat, so. I can't help you."

"I asked him about her too, but he said the same thing. She's never out. I hope nothing happened to her!"

She leaves after that, muttering about something.

You wonder how many other people are concerned.

Maybe somebody should tell them?

You continue the walk until you expect things should have calmed down at home.

When you return you find your mother to tell her that you're going to Adrien's for dinner.

"Oh good, s/n was wanting something you don't like anyway."

"Then this will work out well!"

You get Shadow situated again and start looking for something to wear.

But you don't know if you should dress fancy or if that would be too much.

Eventually you decide and go get ready.

Once you've finished you make your way outside and start walking.

Before you get there, you remember to stop at a florist and get a couple flowers.

You find a green one for Adrien and a yellow one for his mother, since yellow is supposed to symbolize friendship.

You don't know what green means, but you know it's his favorite color so it sounds like a good idea.

When you finish with the flowers, you continue to the giant house, until the gates stop you.

You don't know how you're supposed to get through, so you stand there a minute until a weird eye looking thing comes out of the wall beside the gate.

"Boo!" You hear Adrien laughing as you look at the thing in confusion.

"What is that?" You ask.

"A camera. With a microphone! I may or may not scare people like this sometimes."

"You nerd." You laugh.

"OK, the gates should open now." He says, as they swing open.


You walk through them quickly, unsure if they could swing shut on you.

As you reach the doors they open as well, and Adrien walks out.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now