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As you were sitting on the floor, surrounded by other hostages, you noticed movement from behind one of the nearest displays.

You look over and see Cat Noir!

He must have been able to get in, even with the bombs around.

Suddenly you're hopeful of everything being ok.

You continue looking at him, trying to catch his eye, when he finally looks over to you.

He raises a finger to his lips, signaling for you to not let anyone else know he's there.

You give a slight nod and look away, but keep darting your eyes back to him.

Suddenly you hear a crash coming from near where Cat is hiding.

Surely he wouldn't be careless enough to make such a loud noise?

"What was that? Go check it out!" The man who seems to be the boss nods in the direction the crash came from.

One of the felons walk over there, then seems to fall to the floor.

Or that's what it sounded like anyway.

"Huh? Go check on him, Jeff."

"You got it, boss."

The guy named Jeff walks over then it sounds like he falls over too.

"What in the world?" The boss guy is clearly confused.

Cat must have knocked the guys out, then probably locked them up in a closet or something.

"Ugh! Incompetent idiots! I'll stay here and watch them," he nods towards you and the other hostages, "And you go see what they've done."

"Yes, sir."

The last of the henchmen goes over, and it takes a little longer this time, but you eventually hear the thud of him falling.

It's much too heavy to be Cat, thankfully.

Then suddenly Cat Noir steps out.

"I've taken out all your goons, now give up and release these people!"

The boss laughs and says, "What? The police were too scared so they had to send in the resident super hero? Who can't be much older than 12!"

"It doesn't matter how old I am, I can still take you out. And I volunteered to come in, thank you."

"Yeah whatever. I don't care why you're here, all that matters is I get what I came for." he then gestures to the famous Mona Lisa.

"Oh no. You are not taking  the most valuable art piece here!"

"Watch me."

Cat walks over and tries to grab the man, but he dodges.

Then the boss grabs the hostage nearest to him, which happens to be you.

Cat's POV

When he grabs y/n my heart stops.

He shoves her in front of himself then pulls out a gun.

"No! Let her go! NOW!" I yell at him but he just laughs.

"I'll only let her go, if you stand by and let me get the painting."

I'm tempted to do it, but I hope I'll be able to save y/n, and the portrait.

"Just let the girl go, and then we'll talk."

"No, no, I think she'll be fine to stay here while we talk."

"No, she won't. Release her!"

"Hm. I might. If you let me have the painting."

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now