I'm so Sorry

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Hey y'all, this is the so hard to do, but I may have to discontinue this 😭.

I know it's abrupt, and I'm really really sorry.

I told y'all last chapter that I was having problems, and those problems have only worsened.

I can't do hardly anything on any of my apps, I'm assuming because my phone is old.

I've tried everything I can think of to help, but nothing works.

I've been trying for DAYS to figure out my password, probably 100 things, but I can't get it.

And Wattpad won't send me the email that is supposed to help me reset it.

If I could get the password, there would be no problem, but I haven't been able to.

I'll keep trying, and if I get it, I'll delete this and update y'all.

I just felt like I had to get this out, in case things get worse, and I can't get in at all, and I can't just leave y'all with no explanation.

I really hope things can work out, but if they don't, I'll be honest and say that I really don't even have an ending planned, other than y/n and Adrien would of course get married.

If I can't come back to say this, I just want y'all to know that every one of you has been such a blessing to me, and I love you guys, so so much, and I'm so very thankful that we've had this journey together, even if it was cut short.

Thanks for all the hilarious comments, and encouragements.

All y'all have been so kind to me, and I'm so so lucky to have been able to meet y'all (as well as you can online, anyway).

I absolutely hate that I have to do this, but I couldn't just leave y'all without reason.

This isn't goodbye forever, if I can't recover this one, I'll make a new account and make that Soulmate AU, and find as many of my peeps as I can.

Once again, I'm so sorry, but I'll keep trying.

Love y'all.

And goodbye, for now.

Y'all are the best!

Y'all are the best!

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