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"You're a thief!"

"I'm sorry! I forgot!"

"This is my favorite hoodie! And you stole it! Not to mention my heart!"

"Well in that case you stole mine too!"

"But I've never taken your favorite hoodie!"

"I brought it back! Besides, it doesn't smell as good now anyway."

"Are you kidding? It smells way better now!"

"Does not!"

"It does too!" You try to insist, pulling on the hoodie.

"But it doesn't smell like you now!"

"Exactly! It smells like you!"

"OH MY CHEESE SHUT UP!" Plagg interrupts the playful argument between you and Adrien, once he'd returned your hoodie later the same day he took it.

"Didn't you have something important to tell her?!" Plagg asks.

"Yeah, but she started accusing me!"

"I didn't accuse anything, I stated facts!"

"Don't get started again!!" Plagg yells, and you're thankful your parents had taken s/n for a play date.

"What did you need to tell me?" You ask, trying not to laugh at the situation.

Of course neither of you were actually angry at the other, but were just teasing.

"Master Fu needs to see you."

"Oh no, what did I do?"

"Lots of stuff. He says it's urgent."

You see the twinkle in his eye and know you're not actually in trouble with Master Fu, but you are curious as to what's going on.

So you text your mother that you're going out, and walk sneakily with Adrien to avoid the press, and because his mom went out shopping with his aunt, so Adrien doesn't want them to spot him.

"Me and Mom watched some movies, then went shopping with Aunt Amelie for a while earlier, until they started going in stores that didn't have anything I wanted, so I said I was going home." Adrien tells you, but you can tell there's another reason he left them.


"And they kept trying to set me up on dates."

You laugh at the thought of him trying to worm out of such conversations.

"Like Mom would be talking to a young cashier about me if they had one of my magazines. 'This is my son, you know. He's about your age, I think.'" He impersonates, making you laugh harder.

"It's not funny! Especially when one of them would within earshot of somebody, be like 'Ooh, aren't they cute?!' Yeah, sometimes it was a baby or an old guy, which was more for them, but still!"

"You mean you didn't find the old guys cute? Wonder what they'd say about Master Fu? " You tease.

"Gross!! I think I'm gonna be sick!"

You laugh at his dramatics, but secretly you're happy he's so loyal.

"So am I hearing you think Master Fu is cute? Maybe we should turn around." Adrien says, looking at the door in front of you.

"Now I'm gonna be sick!"

You both laugh, then let yourselves into Master's house.

"Welcome, children. Sit, sit." Master Fu greets you, gesturing to the mat in front of him.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now