What Are You Doing Here?

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You were sitting on your bed doing your geography work when suddenly your little sister/brother runs in.

"Play with me, play with me!!" they shout.

"Not now S/N, (sibling name) I'm doing my school!" You tell her/him.

"Ugh! You're the worst! You never play with me!" she/he yelled then ran out screaming.

"Urgh, whatever" you say with an eye roll as you get back to reading about the geography of India.

Just then you hear your mother call you for supper.

"Coming!" You shout downstairs to her.

As you place your books aside on the bed you look at your desk and see the small picture you drew of Cat Noir. You'd drawn it last night after meeting him, so his features were still fresh in your mind.

You smile thinking of your chat with the famous hero.

As you walk downstairs your thoughts drift to wondering why he doesn't get enough credit.

After all he saves the city just as much as Ladybug.

You decide you may try to do something about it, but the thoughts were soon forgotten as you smelt the delicious scents of

After dinner you go back to your room to finish up some schoolwork.

You're almost finished with the history quiz when you hear a small peck at the window.

You look over and do a double take.

Standing there was none other than Cat Noir!

You rush over and unlock the door, which happens to look straight out to the Eiffel Tower.

"Uh, come in?"

Cat Noir climbs in as you stare in shock.

"So uh... What are you doing here?!" You ask. 

"Well, I was on patrol alone and there was nothing going on so I thought I'd come to see my favorite fan!" he says with a wink.

You slightly blush and ask him why he wouldn't just go back home.

"well, my home is not that comfortable, my mother isn't around and my father is very distant. I never really have anyone to talk to." he says sadly.

Your heart goes out to him, he looks so sad, his cat ears are even drooping.

You can't help but give him a hug.

He seems surprised at first but eventually melts into it.

You pull away awkwardly as he rubs his neck.

"Thanks, I needed that." he says with a light pink dust across his cheeks.

"Heh, you uh, you're welcome." You say.

He looks around until his gaze lands on his picture on your desk.

He walks over and picks it up.

"Wow! This is really good! Did you draw this?" he asks.

"Y-yeah, I like to draw, I'm not very good at it, but it's fun." You say.

"You are good at it! This is clawsome! Really captures my essence. " he says with admiration.

You laugh at the pun, then thank him and tell him he can keep it if he'd like.

"Wow thanks y/n! No one's ever given me something this cool before!" he says.

You smile at him, not able to help but think he looks adorable when he's so happy.

"Well, I should get going, it looks like you're busy with homework, come to think of it, I have some chemistry I need to get done." he says.

You smile and say "Yeah, I'm almost finished for today, I'm homeschooled actually so I can do it whenever."

"Oh really? I was homeschooled until last year." he says.

"Oh that's cool" you say.

"Eh, not really, I didn't like it much, I always wanted to leave and go to real school." he says looking down.

"Oh um, well, I can see why, you don't have as many friends this way, but I like it."

"Yeah. Well uh, I'd better go, let you finish and go do my chemistry." he says chuckling a bit.

"Ah, yeah, um, I'll see you later," you say.

"Uh, yeah! See you soon." he says as he leaps out the window into the night.

You sigh and sit down to finish the work then take a quick shower and go to sleep dreaming of a certain cat.

Hey!! Here's chapter 2!! Hope you enjoyed, and thanks for so many reads already!!!! Also, sorry if you don't draw, I'm not good at it, but I thought it was a cute idea 🤣

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now