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At around 11:40 you tell your mother you're going out for a stroll and walk to an alley.

After quickly making sure nobody is around, you tell Kaalki to come out.

"Good luck, darling. You remember your transformation phrase?"

"Yep! Kaalki, full gallop!"

She flies into the glasses, transforming you.

You sneak out of the alley and towards the address Cat gave you, feeling a little nervous.

Nobody even knows you yet, what if the people think you're just a weirdo dressed in a strange costume?

They won't. You tell yourself.

You arrive at the place and look around.

It's a lot bigger than you'd expected, though you hadn't really seen it before.

You were unconscious, after all.

The huge gates are closed, but unaware as to how you're supposed to get in, you jump over them.

It's not illegally entering, right? I'm supposed to be here. You think.

Slightly worried, you walk up to the massive doors and knock.

You wait for a minute, then the door opens.

A boy -who you think looks very familiar- is standing there, looking at you oddly.

"Who are you?" He asks in a snooty tone.

"I'm Equina. I'm here to help you get the missing woman."

"Oh. Come in." He moves aside and you step in, glancing around the very large room.

"I'm Felix, by the way." The boy tells you, and sticks out his hand.

"Hello, Felix." You say and shake his outstretched hand.

Suddenly a different boy -who looks almost the same as Felix- runs down the steps, before coming to a stop in front of you.

"Hi! Thank you so much for coming, I really appreciate it!" He says.

"No problem, I'm happy to help." You reply.

"So, uh, you can get to my mom?"

"Yeah, who all wants to come?"

"Me, for sure. Felix, do you?"

Felix just nods.

"Ok, let me get my aunt. Oh, and I'm Adrien." He says.

"Equina." You tell him, though if your theories are correct, he already knows that.

He quickly goes off, leaving you alone with Felix.

"I've never seen you before with the other supers." Felix says with a questioning tone.

"I'm new to the team." You tell him.


You nod, feeling a bit uncomfortable, when Adrien comes back with a woman who looks like the one in the tube.

"Did you already get her?!" You ask, confused.

"No no, this my aunt, my mother's twin. She wants to come with us to see mom!" Adrien tells you.

"Ohh, right. My bad." You say, feeling a little embarrassed.

"It's ok! You couldn't have known!" He quickly reassures you.

Something Cat would do. You think.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road. Voyage!" You think of the creepy room where you were held captive, and open the portal.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now