Meeting The Master

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Just before dark two days after Marinette had told you that she knew about the secret identities, you were approached on the street by an older man in a Hawaiian shirt.

You know you saw him the day before, for sure, but also many other times, just watching everything.

"Hello, young lady." The man says to you.

"Uh, hi?" You respond, confused, as you were just on the way to the store.

"Are you going somewhere important?"

You're unsure of what to tell him, as you don't know his intentions.

"Why do you want to know?" You ask, starting to look around for anything sketchy.

"Do not worry, I mean you no harm. Think of me as a friend of a friend."

"What friend?"

"A very special friend you have."

"I think of all my friends as special." You say, trying to get more detail from this strange fellow.

"This friend is very special to you."

"Can't you just tell me who it is?" You ask, thinking about just leaving.

"No, for it is important nobody knows."

This brings your mind to Cat Noir, but you can't fathom what this elderly man could know about him, much less you.

A movement above makes you glance upward, and there you see the very one you'd just been thinking of.

"You must follow me." The older man says, turning and beckoning for you come with him.

Making sure Cat Noir has seen this, you look at the roof he was on, and think you see him nod.

So you decide to follow the old man, figuring he couldn't do much to cause harm anyway, and even if he tried you could fight him off, plus Cat would be within hearing distance and come running at the smallest scream.

You walk stiffly, keeping your eyes on the man, and Cat, who seems to be following.

Before the man stops, you spot Ladybug following along as well.

Starting to worry the man is dangerous, they both suddenly disappear, leaving you alone with this strange old man, who has stopped and opened a door, gesturing you inside.

"I don't think so." You say, backing away.

Suddenly two figures appear from the shadows outside the door, and you begin to ready yourself for a fight.

Before you can throw any punches, the figures emerge from the darkness.

"Hey hey, calm down, it's just us." One of them says, looking at your raised fists.

"What is all this about?!" You ask, very confused.

"Come inside, and all shall be known." The old man says, and goes inside.

Marinette immediately follows, but Adrien stays behind with you.

"Kitty, what's going on?" You ask, starting to worry.

"Don't be scared, I won't let anything bad happen to you. Purromise." He says, trying to reassure you, and it helps a little, but you still feel uneasy.

He takes your hand and leads you inside.

You clutch onto him, as he takes you to an open door with leaves and things on it.

Inside the room waits the older man and Marinette, both sitting on a mat.

"Equina. We must speak." The man says, making your eyebrows raise in shock.

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now