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Adrien's POV

It has been a rough day, to say the least.

This morning, I woke up late from yet another nightmare, so I got a tardy slip, which I'd been doing better about.

And once I got out of that class Chloe was all over me, wondering where I'd been and such.

I've been thinking about telling her she has to lay off me, but she would ask more questions than Alya about why.

Then the usual trio were asking the same thing, which I minded less, but I didn't want to start telling them all about these crazy dreams I've been having.

Especially since they mostly involve Cat Noir, not Adrien.

Plus I kept getting weirder than normal vibes from Lila, like she had some big secret that she was hanging over our heads, yet also wanted us to know.

And since I was tired from waking up multiple times from nightmares, I wasn't paying much attention in class, and missed some questions. 

So by the time the day was over, I decided I should talk to Master Fu and see if he knows anything I could do about the nightmares.

I walk to his place and once he lets me in and we get sat down, he asks why I've come over.

"Well, I was hoping you might could help me with a problem I've been having."

"What sort of problem?"

"I've been getting these awful nightmares recently. I mean, it's not like I haven't had similar ones before, but not as often or as vivid."

He seems to turn paler, before asking, "What kind of nightmares?"

"Um, they mostly revolve around my father escaping prison, and doing something horrible to y/n, sometimes others, but mostly her."

"Oh dear." He says, getting up and going to his tablet.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I get up to follow him.

He's making me worried that this is more serious than a few bad dreams.

After flipping through a few images, he stops on one with a picture of a previous Cat Noir, who is asleep.

There's an illustration of what I assume to be his dreams, which is showing a city burning down. 

"It has been known that previous holders of your ring were able to receive bad dreams, of future bad happenings, as Plagg is the kwami of bad luck. That very well could be what you're experiencing."

I wonder if I look as scared as I feel.

"Yo-you mean that he really could be escaping prison? And that he's gonna hurt y/n?!"

"It's highly possible."

"Well what can I do to stop it?! Have police monitoring him 24/7!? And if he does get out, which he better not, stay with y/n somewhere hidden until he's captured?!"

"I'm not sure what precautions should be taken. But it would probably be a good idea to visit the prison where he's being held."

"Ok. Should I do it as Cat Noir?"

"Yes, and mention the foretellings of bad times."

"I will."

After discussing all this, I run out the door and hide to transform.

When Plagg emerges from my bag, where he must've been sleeping, I ask why he hasn't mentioned any of this.

"I don't know, the dreams always mean something else than what they show. It was never the same, so I figured this was no different!"

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