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You let your parents know that you're heading out and get going to Master Fu's.

It feels a little strange to be going without Adrien, but you're excited to meet new kwamis.

"Ah, welcome y/n. Right on time." Master Fu says as you knock on his open door.

"Close it behind you, please."

You do so, and can't help a glance at the miracle box, hopeful of seeing Kaalki.

"So, I have the magical flower here. Could you tell me some more about its origin?" He asks, getting the Sundrop flower from a shelf.

"Definitely. Once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens. And from this small drop of sun, grew a magic, golden flower. It had the ability to heal the sick and injured, and all you have to do is sing a special song." You quote the opening of the movie, while Master Fu listens.

"How do you know this?"

"I've seen the movie more times than I know."

While you're thinking about it, the idea that Master Fu could use the flower to stay young hits you.

"And what is the song?"

You juggle the idea of whether or not to tell him for a moment, when he asks again.

"Did you hear me? Maybe we should heal your hearing ability?"

"Right, sorry. I was just wondering what example we could use! Uhh, I know!"

You pick at the skin around your fingernail until it bleeds, then use the flower to heal it.


"Yup. There's some more about the origins of the flower in the series, if you'd like to see that."

"Of course!"

You spend a while researching the flower, all the while thinking you should tell him he could stay young, and not have to give up the position of Guardian.

"And what all have you used it to heal so far?" Master asks.

"Adrien used it to fix me when Lila stabbed me, and it healed him too, then he used it on his mom. I think that's all. Besides my finger, just now. But, there is another purpose it has."

"And what is that?"

"Well, in the movie, the villain used it to keep herself young. So I guess you could do that too, and you could stay Guardian." You explain sadly.

"Oh my, that is interesting news. I suppose I could. But, I have other reasons for giving up the position."


"Yes. Though I will think about it. We will still continue your training though."

"Sounds fun!"

You do get to talk to Kaalki for a while when you're nearing the end of the day, and happily tell her about possibly becoming Guardian.

"Oh, darling! That's wonderful news!"

"Yeah! And I could see you anytime! You could stay around for me like Wayzz does for Master Fu!"

"That sounds splendid!"

You do feel bad for Wayzz though, as he's seemed pretty down about the idea.

While Master Fu is collecting something from the other room, he confides in you that he will miss Master greatly.

"I'm sure you will. But I promise I'll take very good care of you! And if it would be possible, you could see Nino!"

Certain Akuma {Cat Noir X  Reader}Where stories live. Discover now