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Chapter. 30.

"Levon-" he tries to speak, but whatever he wants to say is lost in the sea of unintelligible sobs, and the heart-wrenching sounds are the things that caused Levon's eyes to flicker over to him in concern. He still doesn't say anything, still doesn't move to comfort his soulmate but he does keep a sad frown painted on his face and his lips twisted into a pout-like frown and he watches Dylon struggle for words. "I missed you," is all he managed to say, and Levon merely clenches his jaw in response as his gaze darts away pausing on the thick bandage wrapped around his left arm becoming aware of the sudden pain he feels in that area, before mumbling groggily.

"What happened to me there?" 

Dylon swallows and stares everywhere but at him. "You got shot." 

"That's where I got shot, yeah."

Dylon winces, "Y-Yeah...," he replied tiredly.

"Have they figured out who did it?" 

Dylon looks towards the ground and has to take deep breaths to steady himself before he speaks again. "No, but I believe the police will give us news pretty soon." 

"Oh...," Levon mutters lamely. 

"I don't..," Dylon swallows hard, his throat suddenly a lot drier than he remembers. "I don't even know what to say." It was the truth. He has absolutely no idea what he could possibly say that would make any of these better, he's not even certain he could make it better. 

"Then don't!" Levon snapped.

"W-What?" Dylon heard his voice break.

"Don't say anything." His words were still slurred and weak, but they carried so much emotion that Dylon's head was spinning at the sound of them. He sounded tired, so done with Dylon and all of his shit, so heartbroken, and that's so much worse than him yelling or screaming at him. In a desperate attempt to pull any sort of reaction from his almost death-like lover, Dylon offers a lame apology he knew well enough wasn't enough to make up for what he's done. 

"I am so sorry, I never should have done or said any of the things I said. I never should have hurt you. I love you." 

"No, you don't." His voice was cold and Dylon feared the emotions they carried with them. "What? You're gonna tell me it took almost me dying before you realized you love me?" The words cut straight to Dylon's heart, and it feels like his entire world shook underneath him, trembling and threatening to collapse simply from hearing that sentence. He whimpers quietly, feeling the hurt radiating off of his lover and hitting him in waves.

"You had to wait until I was nearly killed before you knew you loved me, Danny, that is not loving. Love isn't conditional, love is unconditional, Danny!" Dylon stares at him, dumbfounded and Levon continues in a weak and weary voice, "Love doesn't want to hurt you, Danny, it is never selfish and it doesn't abandon you, it doesn't push you away, it draws you closer, love heals, Danny, it doesn't inflict harm, love does not hate, love is pure, it's perfect, it has no fault, Danny, none!" Levon meets his eyes for the first time, and Dylon can see tears shining in them.

"Every little pain, every single hurt, you got since you were born, I took upon myself, I comforted you even in dreams, I was always there with you, never, not once left you, Danny, I love you so much that the thought of living without that love kills me every day! It hurts more than any of these-'' he gestured to his body state and Dylon trailed his eyes to follow his actions. "How can you love me and have the heart to do the things you did? The things you said and now that I nearly almost died for that same love yet again, now you love me?"  

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