MIJA: 1.

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Chapter. 64.

"Mija…," Vera saw her father seated on the sofa holding a glass of whiskey in his hand, the lights were all turned off and the man sat in the dark corner on his favorite gold armchair by the wall, startling the girl as she walked in. She hadn't even noticed he was there. She thought they had gone to sleep, it was pretty late and it wouldn't be the first time she would be returning home so late, he knew this but why he was waiting on her was what she didn't know.

"Papá… Why are you still up?" She walked over to him and went on her knees in front of him, her elbows resting on his kneecaps. The man rested his whiskey glass on the side table and replaced the space the glass had been with a handful of his daughter's hair. He brought the silk soft hair to his nose and inhaled, calming his racing heart. He was indeed worried about her. He thought she had run into some sort of trouble because for the first time since the Jenny Jean incident the police showed up at his door, asking for his daughter.

He was terrified she had run into another holdup in her quest for revenge. He doesn't blame the girl, she's his only daughter and he loves her without fault. He would give anything for her safety and insure it. It doesn't matter how many people get affected on the way. If they didn't want to get tangled up in her webs then they shouldn't get involved, as for him, he would make sure she stayed protected from all and any impending harm.

"I was worried about you, Mija," he kissed her forehead and his lips lingered there for a few seconds.

She giggled softly, "papá, I'm fine, I had the boys with me all day, nothing could have gone wrong." She took his other hand and brought it to her lips, smearing it with her red lipstick as she kissed him tenderly there.

"Mmmh…," the man sighed, letting the breath he was holding free, "I know, Mija, but there is something I need you to do for me." His tone took a turn and she didn't miss the change.

Vera looked up into the man's eyes and smiled, "anything for mi papá, you are all I have, you know I will do anything for you."

The man chuckled, he knew this, just as much as she knew he would do anything for her as well. She completes his whole, although he had tried to live life trouble-free so he doesn't end up like his father who had died in prison, he couldn't help it when his only daughter turned out to be just like his father. She hadn't taken his quiet side or her mother's, rather she became one who didn't know how to deal well with competitions and would eliminate them just so she would win, just like his father. Now, what type of a man would it make him if he doesn't support his daughter. 

In every family there is a demon, is there not.

Why then should he let the entire world know about his when he doesn't know about theirs?

"Tell me what you need me to do, papá." 

"I want you to let the boy go." 

"What?" She asked surprised.

"For now, Mija."

"Why?" Vera was shocked, she wasn't expecting him to make such a request. He knows more than anyone just how important this is for her. Why would he ask for such a thing at a time like this no less? "Papá--"

"I know, Mija, I know what it means for you to have this boy, but your father's political campaign is on the line, you know I'm soon to be elected senator," letting her hair free from his gentle caress, the man brought both hands to his daughter's face. He held her cheeks in his hands and caressed them gently. "Mija, the police were at our door today, they asked where you were, they mentioned something about a missing boy and they were investigating everyone at the creek at the time." 

Vera gasped, "what did you tell them, papá?" 

"I told them you came home and then your mother sent you to visit a relative, they would like to confirm that and I need to make arrangements again."

The girl breathed a sigh of relief and fell into her father's legs. "Gracias, papá." She whispered and he kissed her head yet again.

"Anything for you, Mija, you know I would do anything for you but the police getting involved in our family at this point, it's not a good sign, not a good story for the press at all. If they saw them here again, we will be reading about it in the papers the next morning. This could ruin your father's political career, Mija, so please you have to let him go." 

She sighed again, this was going to be hard, she was this close to breaking Danny, she knew she would be succeeding the next day and instead of carrying out her scheme now, she will have to let him go.

"Once I'm senator, I promise you I will give you the whole town. If you want them all dead and hanging on a stake, then so be it, Mija, just let the kid go so the cops don't come snooping around my door until then. I will have the boys clean up after you. I have a perfect plan as to how we will erase the dealings of the last twenty-four hours from his memories so he wouldn't even be able to tell anyone where he has been or what he's been through. Once all this is over and I'm elected, you can proceed from where you left off."

"Okay, papá, I love you and I will have the boys free him tomorrow."

"That's my good girl, anything you want after this election you name it and it's yours." He kissed her hair and she smiled grandly while relaxing further into her father's legs. 

"It's so cozy here, papá!" She moaned and the man chuckled. 

"Mija...," he called softly with a smile, "te mimo demasiado." 

"Lo sé papá." She giggled and stretched more comfortably in his legs. "But, can I see him one more time before I let him go."  

"Of course, Mija, he is your prisoner." 

"Thank you, papá…," she kissed him and got back on her feet. "I'll be in my room, I need a bath, I smell." The man laughed and picked up his glass yet again.

"I love you too, Mija." As soon as she disappeared into her room, his wife emerged from the other side of the living room wearing a frown. She came to stand before him and he acknowledged her briefly before picking up his reading glasses and getting on his feet. "Not now, woman." He waved her off before she even spoke and walked into his chambers. He knew what she was going to say and he didn't intend to hear it. 

She hissed and watched him walk away. She hates him for treating her like a mere object more than a wife. Heck, he treats his furniture better than he often treats her.

Not knowing where she had wronged has eaten at her soul for years. She could neither get through to both husband nor daughter.

She was tired.


I don't know who is crazier, the Dad or Daughter.


Thank you for reading, guys.

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