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Chapter. 46.

"Do you feel better?" He asked, "Dad said you were going to feel a lot better after. He also said to soak you in warm water if you hurt down there." He mumbled the last bit and Danny couldn't help but laugh at the boy. "I'm sorry if I was a little too rough on you."

"Hey, nothing you did, I didn't want." Danny rounded the table and walked over to the side Louis was at. His hand finding home on Louis's waist he gripped his lover tightly, his nose to Louis's neck, he breathed the boy in. "I missed your warmth when I woke up this morning, it felt terribly cold without you by my side." He whispered sweetly, making Louis's breath catch in his throat. His body was reacting to Danny's, faster than the speed of light.

Carefully, he pulled away before he lost it completely, then he turned facing Danny, with both his hands holding those of his lover, Louis brought Danny's hands to his lips and he caressed them with his lips. "I love you so much, Danny." He told the boy who smiled and nodded, feeling his eyes sting with tears, Danny whispered back.

"I love you more." Louis released one hand then reached for Danny's side with his free hand and tickled the boy there, Danny jumped and laughed, he walked back a few steps and fell into the mixed chocolate on the center table, his naked chest painted in browny goodness. Looking up to apologize to Louis, he saw the boy glaring at him, hunger and arousal evident in the boy's eyes and Danny began to back away from him.

He soon realized his mistake when Louis came after him.

"Stop running," he warned but Danny walked backward even more till his back hit the walls and he couldn't escape any further.

Trapped and open. He watched the predator close in on him.

With the chocolate smeared all over the boy's chest, Louis wanted to do just one thing.

Lick them off, one swipe of the tongue at a time until there is nothing left then he would smear some more, grab the boy and carry him over to the island, then he'll balance him nicely and dive in to lick the chocolate off, biting into his nipples as he tries to get more chocolate off the pink head then he would pull his boxers off, get some more chocolate on the hardening dick and then dive in once more.

"Ah!" Danny moaned that time, and Louis snapped out of it shortly to find out that Danny was already lying on the island naked, with chocolate smeared all over his body while he was between his legs and his mouth inches apart from his dick.

"Whoa..." he whispered. He thought he was still imagining what he wanted, and didn't realize he was already doing it. "Want me to stop?" He asked.

"Don't you dare!" Danny warned, Louis smirked capturing his shaft to his mouth and sucking on it tenderly, his essence mixed with chocolate drove him wild and Louis wanted more, he moved away from his dick and to his twitching hole, with eagerness in every move, Louis prepped his lover lose, then rose on his feet to grab the bag of whipped cream on the side, he pulled the bowl filled with strawberries close and then very carefully, began to cover his lover's chest with whipped cream, Danny moaning all the way. Louis smiled, staring down at a job well done. Slowly, he picked one strawberry and placed it between Danny's teeth.

"Don't eat..." He warned, then went on to put one strawberry each on the place where his nipples should be but was now both covered in whipped cream. "So sexy, my love..." He smiled and Danny shuddered in passion. "It's feeding time." Louis dipped low starting with one strawberry then unto the next and while Danny moaned and cried that he stopped, he took his careful time, licking whipped cream off his chest. "Fuck, my love, you taste so good." He teased and Danny whimpered, he felt his entrance clenched tightly and his dick swell.

He was going to shoot all over both of them if Louis didn't stop. Louis knew this and so he came up to the last strawberry in Danny's mouth and once their lips touched, Danny came, clinging unto Louis for dear life as his body shook and shivered uncontrollably.

"Naughty," Louis growled. "I didn't say you could come..." He said with a wicked grin forming at the corner of his lips. He pulled Danny from the island onto his knees, reaching for the cream he sprayed it all over his raging hard-on making sure it was entirely covered in whipped cream then very carefully lowered Danny's head to his shaft.

It was Danny's turn to clean him up and he went in on that cream like gospel. Louis groaned his excitement while resisting the urge to force his shaft deep into that perfectly sweet mouth.

Knowing he was going to lose it if Danny went on, he yanked him off and onto his feet, then turned him around unto his stomach, with his ass up and inviting Louis lined his starving dick to his entrance and drove home.

Danny cried, clenching onto the hard surface, while trashing wantonly with tears streaming down both sides of his face, Louis bringing them both the satisfaction they craved.

"I love you," Louis whispered and Danny's breathless moans were his answer. He pulled out, turned Danny over, and without any effort swept him off his feet, Danny wrapped lean legs around his lover's waist and Louis pushed into him once again while he carried the boy, he reached for a spoon full of chocolate cream and brought it down on Danny's chest, he licked them off while he pounded into his lover.

"Too much." Danny cried, he couldn't take it anymore. His body weak but he still didn't want Louis to stop. It felt too good. Louis walked them over to the island without pulling out or easing his thrusting, he put his lover on his back on the rough surface, he dipped two fingers into the chocolate cream and brought it down to Danny's lips and his soulmate very slowly like torture, sucked his fingers clean, Louis in turn loved him with reckless abandon.


Sitting in the filled tub with his back against Louis's chest, Danny moaned sweetly as he washed him carefully. "Are you alright, my love?" Louis asked.

"Better than alright, sweet prince." He replied and Louis laughed.

After their explosive lovemaking, they had both cleaned up the mess Louis made in the kitchen. Danny fed the hungry lion before Louis carried him back to the cabin, filled up the tub with warm water, and lowered him gently into it.

"The boys want us to be at the creek in a few minutes," Louis announced.


"Yeah, there was a party last night which we obviously missed and today is the picnic and we are not missing it."

"Fine," Danny mumbled under his breath. "We better get out of the tub." Louis pulled him back in when he got up causing Danny to fall into his chest, water splashing all over the place. "What..." He mumbled between laughter.

"One more round?" Louis teased and Danny slapped his chest then pulled away and ran.

"Nuh-uh!" He cried from the cabin. "And my clothes are all wet. Did you wash them or something?"

Louis laughed and shook his head as he drained the tub. "Yeah, baby, but I got you new ones, in the bag right beside the table!"

Danny found the bag and pulled out matching outfits. "Dork!" He called out with a chuckle.

"I've been called worse." Louis emerged from the bathroom all wet and so very hard. "You sure you don't wanna reconsider the offer?" He shook his raging hard-on and Danny blushed then looked the other way.

"Not happening."

"Fine, your loss." He muttered and walked over to him.

Stealing kisses and glances, both boys got ready for the picnic.


As always, thank you all for sticking with this book thus far.

Love y'all lots.

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