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Chapter 11

"Hey there, Precious!" Mark smiled into the screen at their beloved son. 

"Hey, Dad!" Levon forced a smile of his own. He's barely spoken to his parents in weeks and they have given him the time he needed to put his mind together and perhaps find what he sought after. 

"What is this, boy, you chased after love and forgot your parents, huh?" Daniels appeared behind his husband waving excitedly at their son. 

"I'm sorry, Papa." Was all the broken boy could utter. The weekend has been terrible and he's barely made it with each day. The most exhausting part is having to go back to school tomorrow and confront the boy who clearly doesn't want to have anything to do with him. 

He doesn't even want to see him.

Remembering the picture Owen had sent him a few hours ago, he hissed. Owen said he had gone to grab a bite with Bickerman at Randy's when he saw Dylon sitting with Vera; both of them seemed to be having the time of their lives. 

The picture had broken the last bit of hope he had in the boy and at that moment he wanted to just pack up his bags and return home to the bosom of his loving parents. They'll comfort him and it might take time but eventually, he will get over him.

Was it even possible?

Hadn't they come this far so they could be stronger together. Help each other. Love one another unconditionally. He had promised himself at Danny's death bed that he was going to find him and this time never let him go.

The pain was far too deep and he had cried for hours, locking his bedroom door so neither Steph nor Denis could get into his room.

He was at his weakest and he needed something to remind him he still mattered. He needed someone to speak to him with sincerity and he only could think of his fathers and so he had called them.


Sensing the sour mood their son was in, Markus jabbed his cheerful husband's sides then nodded toward the distant look in their son's eyes. 

His eyes looked cold, not to mention tired and emotionless. Dark shadows formed under his eyes and they both worried for him.

"Baby, what is the matter?" Markus kicked in, he didn't like the looks of his son. With all he has been through all his life, isn't it only fair if he had a bit of happiness to comfort him every once in a while. But staring at Levon didn't seem as if he was receiving the happiness he so desperately sought after. 

"He-" Levin blinked a million times, God he doesn't want to cry before his Dads but it was so hard to keep these tears in. They tore furiously at the back of his head and in the end, he let out a choking sound and a few tears slipped out. "I'm sorry." He didn't know why he said that.

Should he apologize to Dylon?

What wrong has he done to him?

Did he deserve this?

Was it because he wasn't there to stop him from taking his life? 

Do you hate me for not getting to you in time?

What have I done?

At least speak to me and I will apologize.

"Why are you sorry, baby?" Daniels was ready to jump into the phone to come save his son. This wasn't part of the plan when they had sent him over to HillsBay. "Is Stephanie treating you poorly?" He almost regretted the question after he had asked it but he was concerned for his boy. While Stephanie wasn't a bad person, it was still a possibility. People change. What could be eating him up so deeply that he was almost skin and bones in just three weeks? 

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