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Chapter. 17

The day was the worst anyone close to Levon had ever experienced. His phone and wallet were found in his pants along with his ID which was used in identifying him and so calls were quickly made to Stephanie who lost her mind on getting the news. She had rushed out from her workplace and didn't even remember how and when she had gotten into her car and had driven to the hospital where Levon was admitted. She had given a call to both parents and they had told her they were on their way and she had also called Denis who was nearly close to the hospital.

None of this made sense and the fact that no one has told her what the situation with Levon was drove her insane the longer she waited and it's nearly three hours since she arrived at the hospital.

Wasn't he supposed to be at school at the time of the accident? How had he been on the highway and what was he doing there?

Stephanie had millions of questions troubling her mind as she waited impatiently for any form of news to calm her racing heart.

It didn't take long for Denis, along with Levon's friends to come running into the hospital lobby and soon they all located Stephanie where she sat restlessly waiting.

"Mom!" Denis jogged over to the woman who stood up quickly to hug her son. "What happened?" His eyes held tears which slipped the second the question left his mouth.

"I don't know, they only said he was in an accident and that's about all I know. I'm still waiting for someone to talk to me." She cried, hands shaky.

"Where is Levon?" Denis asked, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, it all sounded strange to him.

"Surgery." Was all his mother could say before she collapsed back into the chair and cried silently.

"What about Dylon?" Owen asked, remembering their friend hadn't left alone. He had left with Dylon. "Was he hurt too?"

"That's right!" Denis remembered the boy. "Mom, is he the only one involved in the accident?"

"I guess so, they didn't say." The poor woman replied.

"Shit!" Denis groaned, he sat down beside his mother and held her comfortingly by his side.

Thirty minutes later both Markus and Daniels had rushed into the hospital, both searching for Stephanie and soon found her. Stephanie shared a hug with both men then proceeded to tell them all she knew of the accident so far.

"How did you get here so fast?" Stephanie asked, surprised. They lived nearly six hours away and they had made it here so quickly.

Markus forced a painful smile before replying to her. "After our last video call session with Levon we wanted to surprise him, you know, stay close if he needs us, we had only arrived at HillsBay yesterday but had kept it a secret..." his voice broke as more tears rolled down his face. "Who would have thought, he was going to need us so quickly." He sniffed and cried silently.

Stephanie nodded her head in understanding and so they had all waited. Pacing the lobby, sniffling and restless was the mood they all were in.

Another thirty minutes went by before a doctor approached them accompanied by two police officers.

"I'm assuming you all are the McKimson, right?." The clear, concise voice spoke the second the doctor reached them. The doctor carries a clipboard against his chest as he strides up to them, extending his hand for a shake, which took Daniels a couple of seconds to shake.

"Daniels," he mumbles out in a soft voice. "This is my husband, Markus, and Levon's birth mom. Please, can we see our son? Where is he?" He sounded stupidly hopeful. They just needed to know that he's at least alright.

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