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Chapter: 70.

He was a little bit of mischief growing up and he would often stress his poor mother's heart whenever he would run into the sunflower fields. He dug himself a perfect hole, a place of hiding, and would often crawl into the hole, pulling a sunflower blanket over the top concealing himself in the ground whenever he knew his mother was finished with dinner and would come looking for him. 

He would snigger when he would hear her calling lovingly for him. Her voice the sweetest, she has the perfect smile and he would give anything to see that smile one more time. 

"Tonton!!" She would call and he wouldn't stop chuckling from his hiding. "Oh, someone is getting a cold shower tonight if I ever did find him." 

Her usual threat she never carried out. 

"Ton...Ton...!" Even if she knew where he often hid she still played along, chasing, giving him the best time, making him think he was invisible and when she had had enough, she would come knocking softly on the sunflower blanket. "Hello, little piggy, little piggy, let me in!" Then he would jump out and frighten her, it doesn't get old, no matter how many times he jumps out from that hole she always yelped, clenching her chest and falling over on the sunflower-littered ground.

"You will give me a heart attack someday." She would grab the little four-year-old, trapping him in her bosom then there she would deliver her momma weapon, the tickle monster, he would laugh hard until he cried...

"I wanna pee..." Would she let him free and he would run all the way to the little old rusty farmhouse that creaks whenever his little weight gets on it. After dinner, she would bathe, tuck him in and he would demand a story, his favorite bedtime story. He had thought she made that story up but she didn't and until he got older he had believed it wasn't a made-up fairytale.

It was a story she knew all too well.

He was happy, he had her, they had each other and he thought life was going to be that way forever.

But, he returned home from school that day and met a sad grandpa waiting at the farmhouse, he didn't smile when he smiled at him, he simply took him into his arms and left for the hospital to meet his mother and grandma, and there he was told mommy got sick.

A few months into her illness he visited her again. They wanted him to see less of her but he wouldn't let them. 

He would cry and throw tantrums until they gave in and brought him to her sickbed.

"What happened to your hair, momma?" 

He just wouldn't forget that day, she looked different even after his grannies had given him up, he still visited, but she looked extremely pale, her hair gone, she could hardly speak to him, it broke his little heart.

"Are you gonna die, momma?" But she smiled, kissed him tenderly, and pointed to his chest then whispered. 

"It doesn't matter, baby, because momma will always be right here." 

He nodded to that. 


Then after a few months, she was free to come home, he came home too and stayed with her, then she told him about his favorite bedtime story, she said it was a true story, she showed him where it had happened even while she was stricken with a killer illness she took him there one last time... With hope that it would yield a positive end, but it was the same as the many other times, then he got mad.

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