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Chapter. 61.

JC's eyes wandered into the mirror for what seemed like the millionth time and his eyes caught the boy's and they locked gaze for a short second. 

"Hey, I'm not dying tonight so eyes on the road, driver!" Louis knocked them out of their short trance and laughed when this time JC really smacked him on the ribs.

"Shut up!" 

"You're in love, JC!" 

"What?? Are you crazy, I just met the boy!" 

"Yeah and I'm Santa Claus." Louis rolled his eyes. At this point, Arthur literally wanted to melt away into the seats. Openly both friends went on discussing him as if he wasn't even in the car all the while he died out of embarrassment.

"You are head over boots, man!"

"God, you're driving me crazy." JC seethed.

"See you're doing that thing...,"

"What thing?"

"That thing where you go all defensive after being caught in the act!"

JC hissed and smacked both hands on the steering wheel. "You're dead..."

Arthur looked for a way to break whatever romance they had going on before he died listening to them talk without filter.


"M-Mayor Kingston legally changed his name, are you aware?" the boy whispered at some point and this ended their banter, with Louis reaching behind the car to yank the computer Arthur passed to him. He tried miserably not to make eye contact with Louis as he looked too flushed; he might as well be a tomato from how embarrassed he was.

"Thanks, sunshine." JC winked at him through the mirror and Arthur knew then was the perfect time to pull the car door open and just roll out of the moving vehicle.

Such sweet escape and... death.

"The fuck!" Louis gasped and stared at JC.


"He's fucking Jacobi's son!" 

"Jacobi," JC asked, shocked. "Like Willaims, partner in crime, Jacobi?" JC couldn't believe this. 

"Same one." Louis confirmed, he tapped a few words on the computer then pushed it back to Arthur, "thank you, handsome." 

Arthur could have sworn they were both out to get him. "Welcome." He returned as if he had helped him with his dirty laundry. Levon tends to ooze this aura around him, it's exciting yet frightening at the same, makes any lose their train of thoughts when he speaks or stares into one's eyes too long. Makes one become self-conscious and want to avert eye contact or beg on both knees and for what, they wouldn't even know. Levon was dangerous, like a vampire who has lived for centuries and had seen generations unfold and fade away yet, he remained gentle, with an energetic glow of youthfulness, soothing one's heart, and soul with his sweet aura like the caress of winter breeze against warm skin. 

This had to be the first time he had openly admired one whom he was older than. Although with the bits and pieces he's been able to pick up along the way, this was his second birth, which might explain a lot.

"I suppose the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree now does it," JC commented and Louis seethed. He glanced towards the boy and saw him staring into the distance. "What's wrong?" He asked worried, just like that and his mood has shifted.

"What do you think could make Danny want to protect me?"

"Getting hurt, bad."  

"I was shot once…"

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