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Chapter. 33.

"Oh, we are so sorry, are we interrupting something?" Daniels asked and Dylon jumped away from the bed, he reached for his pants, shielding his nakedness from the prying eyes before scurrying down the room towards the bathroom.

"I'll be in the bathroom." He mumbled shyly and disappeared.

"Why are you so shy and running away? It's just us, you doof!" Draya called after him and laughed. 

"Stop teasing your brother." Lucy scolded but it only made her laugh harder. 

"Are you naked too?" Draya met Levon's eyes and the other smirked wickedly at her. "Well, don't tell me." She brushed him off with a feign gross expression glued on her face and walked down the end of the room to make home on the sofa. 

"You are supposed to recover not have sex!" Dr. Ken said as he walked towards the still smirking boy. 

"It wasn't sex, I just took care of him, we both needed that." 

"TMI…!!" Draya yelled from the other end and they all laughed at her silly remark.

"Seriously, you keep moving this much and you won't be able to attend graduation." Ken examined his body. 

"Well, has he asked you to the dance yet?" Markus approached him and grabbed his hand, kissing it softly. 

"I'm sure he will soon," Levon told his father. 

He remembered how broken they had looked the first time they walked into the room after he had woken up and for nearly four hours he hadn't remembered any of them. The fear in their faces as they asked the doctor over and over again if he was ever going to remember his family and the doctor had assured them he would.

The joy that filled their hearts when he had finally gotten his brain to function enough to remember his loved ones but only Dylon's memories stayed hidden. He was hurt that the boy had betrayed and hurt him but once he was able to push past that hurt, he remembered his soulmate who had stuck with him through it all. 

"There is someone here to see you." Dr. Ken announced and while everyone stayed muted for the most part Levon stared eagerly towards the door watching as it slowly crept open and in walked a very sexy older man, his grey hair made him look a lot sexier but once Louis saw the man's eyes, he felt his eyes water as he remembered just instantly who he was staring at. 


JC stood by the door and watched the boy. Damn, he didn't look a day older from the boy he once knew. Levon may not look exactly like Louis but they looked surprisingly similar. He had met Dylon and he didn't see much of Danny in the boy as he had met Danny when he was older. Louis on the other hand was his best friend, the yin to his yang. They did everything together and there's nobody Louis trusted more than he did him. 

"JC…," Louis sat up straighter and the man walked into his line of view and crushed him with a hug which had Louis groaning in pain at how tightly the man pressed into him.

"Hey, you're gonna squeeze him to death, let loose!" They both jumped at the sudden outburst coming from the bathroom door and when they turned they found Dylon standing there with a glare that looked as if he was about to devour JC.

"Easy tiger." JC snorted out a burst of laughter and Louis chuckled. 

"I'm okay, baby." He assured him to which Dylon seemed to have settled for as he walked over to his sister's side and sat beside her. 

"Wow, I am speechless, right now, LouLou, look at you!' JC cried and Louis laughed at the old nickname. 

"You still remember that…" 

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