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Chapter. 58.

Mark and Daniels have just made it to the Boyle's house when a car drove into the driveway and Draya exited the vehicle and ran into her mother's waiting embrace. Lucy held her tightly and said no word as she cried. They stood silently for a few more seconds until Keller and Owen joined them, Dalton was with them too. 

"Any news from Levon?" DJ asked.

"He said he will find him...," Owen answered truthfully the words Levon had spoken to him. 

"Did you call JC?" Mark asked DJ, the man was trying to collect his emotions. It's been chaos since their son was born and he wondered just when he will have his happy ending. Aren't they too young to have to be going through all this at this time? He should not have agreed to have him go find Danny when he did.

"He's with Louis at the moment," DJ told them. "Let's go in and wait, we will give them a call again soon if we don't hear anything.

They agreed and went into the house. Dalton, kept closely by Keller. He didn't look any different from the rest of them because he knew for certain that Dylon would return. But, that didn't mean he shouldn't act like everyone else, he had cried with Draya and he looked as troubled as Owen and Keller.

What kind of best friend sells their friend out only because they wanted to protect their wrongdoings? He was the one who committed a crime against Vera but why didn't he just take the plea, rather he had chosen to fuck up his relationship with his best friend.

He had better not be here when Dylon gets back, although Vera had assured him she wasn't going to let him know who had betrayed him. Yet, he wouldn't be caught dead in the same room as Dylon after what he had done. But, for now, he needs to be here, just in case the cops come snooping around and asking questions. He doesn't want to be absent when that happens. 

Draya had calmed down a little, she let her mother lead her upstairs into her bedroom and helped her get into her bed. Lucy covered her up with her blanket and sat by her side, stroking her hair gently. 

"He has Louis, and if Louis said he will find your brother then he will...," she nodded and allowed her mother's soothing voice to lure her into dreamlands. "Rest now, my child." Lucy kissed her head when he heard her sigh softly, asleep, she rose and walked out of the room. 

She stood by the stairs overlooking the faces seated in her living room. All looked sad and restless and she sought a way to help ease the tension. 

"Coffee, anyone?" She asked and they all nodded without looking her way. She proceeded into the kitchen, she needed to keep her mind distracted with something otherwise she would go crazy. Watching Dylon suffer all that he did when Louis was hospitalized was a time she hasn't soon forgotten and to learn now that the same boy could possibly be kidnapped and hurt was a thought she desperately wanted to kick out of her mind entirely. If anything had shown her how badly harmed her son could be at the moment it was the sight of Draya. If Draya was in such a state then Dylon would be in much worse. What about Louis? Who knew what the boy would be going through at this time. 

She reached by the microwave where she had left her phone and picked it up. She wanted to hear the boy's voice. She didn't want to ask about Danny, but she wanted to ask about how he was feeling. She would try to calm him down somehow. He needs to be rational with his thoughts and actions because only then will he be able to make the right decisions and be in a much calmer state of mind.

Louis picked up after the third ring and she whispered, "How are you feeling?" No words, she only heard loud breathing, like he was chasing his next breath. This confirmed her thoughts. "Louis, listen to me, honey, you will find him, just breathe, and relax your mind, calm your soul and you will find him." 

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