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Chapter: 69.

Dalton punched his phone's screen for the fourth time, dismissing Vera's call. The boy was angry, he couldn't believe Louis could connect with Danny so soon. He thought Vera would have won and thus separated both lovers for good. He didn't see how they should be happy when he isn't. They took everything from him. They made him this way. What right do they have to be happy? All three of them. He drove madly down the road, ignoring all speeding limits as he raced down the highway. He made sure he got Denis out of that cabin before they got to them. Danny may not remember what happened that day but Denis was aware. That idiot had followed them, good thing Vera found him just in time.


He hissed, how he hates that girl, but he needed her to get through to Danny, the dumb bitch thought he helped her because she was blackmailing him. She really is stupid to think this was about her.

He used her, she didn't use him. But, that's what she's probably thinking, that's why she won't stop calling.

Speaking of the bitch, his phone vibrated and he dismissed the call, then it beeped with a message, the boy groaned and pulled into a gas station, roughly yanking the phone from its stand, he swiped to read her text.

Why won't you pick up? I can ruin you, Dalton, don't forget that.

That last line had the boy fuming, without a second thought he called her back and she picked up on first ring.

"I knew you weren't that stupid."

"What do you want, V?" He demanded.

"Since Levon has rescued his lover, God I hate the taste of those words in my mouth, I need you to get your ass to my house, we have a problem."

"We?" He laughed despairingly.

"Yeah, we, you're in this too, Dalton, you think I would let you off the hook that easily?" She scoffed.

"Off the hook?" The boy laughed again, "listen here, bitch, this isn't about you, this is about me, I did what I did not because of your dumb threat, you think I give a fuck about that?"

"I'm sure you would give a fuck once I played that video for my father and the police!"

"A video where two drunk teenagers fucked each other's brains out! You think anyone would buy that crap about me raping you? Who would rape you? I didn't have to rape you to fuck you, Vera, please, you give yourself way too much credit." The boy mocked and he could hear her seething from the other end.

"Our business ended the day I left you in that cabin alone with Danny, and don't think I liked what you did to him but, he deserved it so I'll let it pass and as for showing that video to your father and the police who are coming after you no less, good luck with that." He scoffed. "Don't call me again, you don't know me, I don't know you."

"Dalton, you will regret this--" she yelled.

"One more thing, stop parading yourself as Williams, you are nothing like him, he was an ass but he was loyal to Danny, his love for Danny wasn't perfect because of his obsessing over him and he considered him a thing to be owned rather than cherished but after he murdered his wife and the other woman left him, he kept only Danny and didn't go about fucking anything that walks by just like you are doing. You disgust me, V, and while you think of other means to ruin some poor miserable person's life, you can go cry to Daddy. I'm sure he wouldn't mind your tears smeared all over his expensive suits. Goodbye Vera!"

"I hate you!" She cried and the boy laughed.

"The feeling is fucking mutual, babe." He dropped the call, blacklisting her number then threw his phone back into the car through the window.

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