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Chapter. 15

"I never wanted it to be this way but you left me no choice!" Levon barked but Dylon was quick to deliver the first blow. Levon tasted the blood as soon as the boy had hit him.

Damn, he has good hands.

"What the fuck is your problem, Danny? I'm fucking driving here!" He yelled, eyes on the road still.

"My problem?" Dylon slapped him and this time, Levon nearly lost his grip on the wheel.

"You tryna get us killed huh, Danny? You want me dead again, chasing after you into the next life, huh? You should have told me you liked it so much, you dumbass!"

"Fuck you, Louis!" Dylon yelled and Levon quickly stepped on the brakes bringing the car to an abrupt stop.

"The fuck!" He whispered. Eyes meeting those of Dylon. He felt weak. "You remembered?" He asked but Dylon looked away. Realizing he may have fucked up bad, he yanked the car door open before hurriedly stepping out.

Levon was in front of him before he could make the run for it. Grabbing the boy's hand harshly he roughly shoved his back against the car, the action caused Dylon's back to force the car door shut and his back ached from the impact. He hissed at the sudden sharp pain which shot at his brain from that hit but neither he nor Levon noticed.

Levon knew he had been too rough with his lover but the thought of Dylon knowing who he was all this time, yet treated him the way he did, was far too worse to even care about how he dealt with him. The realization had cut deeper in Levon's heart, deeper than anything has ever hurt him before.

He felt betrayed.

He pinned the boy harder against the car when Dylon fought against his hold. Trying to hold his anger at bay so he doesn't completely Lose his mind and get into a fistfight with the boy who has hurt him so greatly.

In the spur of the moment, neither of the boys noticed that Dylon had actually felt pain for the first time in his life albeit faint but was there nonetheless.


"How long have you known?" Levon demanded. He couldn't believe what he just heard. "Since when have you remembered?"

"Since the day you showed me that fucking mark!"

Shit hurts more now than before.

Levon could feel his heart breaking into a million pieces.

This was too much to bear. He felt his fists which balled into the boy's shirt weakened and his strength began to fail him.

"Why?" He choked back a sob. How was it possible that Dylon had remembered and yet did all that to him? He was hurting so badly that he could die from just the emotional pain he suffered at that moment. "Why didn't you say anything?" he was desperate for an answer. This was too much, too painful.

"Haven't you noticed?" Dylon mocked. "I thought you were the smarter one. I thought you could figure out everything. Don't tell me dumb ol Danny outsmarted you this time cause that would be some bull-fucking-shit!"

"You hate me that much? What did I ever do to you? You were the one who took the blade to your wrist, you killed yourself without thinking about me!"

"Did I ask you to die along with me?"

"What?" That question sounded too weak even as it left Levon's mouth.

Who was this Dylon?

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