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Chapter: 76.

Both boys jumped away from their awkward kissing position when they heard their phones ding at the same time alerting them of a newly received message. Danny was reluctant to look at his phone but Louis didn't hesitate. A picture of Vera surfaced once he unlocked the phone to read but she was not alone and it wasn't a message but a video. Jenny Jean was standing beside her and it seemed they both were fighting. The scared girl didn't want to get close to the edge but the psycho bitch wouldn't allow that. She kept dragging and pulling her forward, she wanted a fight but the other was resisting then voices came after that. Vera yelled at the girl and told her how much she hated her. It was when Danny heard Vera's voice that it piqued his interest to peek into his lover's phone. Danny gasped, and sat up straight, hands smoothing the roughness on his tangled-up shirt which Louis had used in tying up his hands a few whiles ago. 

"What the fuck is this?" He asked, almost snatching the phone off Louis's hands for himself.

"Looks like someone just broke our case for us," Louis replied with a soothing smirk. 

"You're smirking… why in hell are you smirking like that for?" Danny noticed, gawking at his lover awkwardly. 

"Well, the love of my very existence, even though I had discovered that something wasn't right with the video Arthur played for me and JC, I still didn't expect a miracle like this would drop out of the sky, you know. This is even better than what we have on ground. It's a deal-breaker right here!" He tapped on his phone screen which Danny had stopped looking at for a while. 

"Hey, Lackey," Owen called coming from around the corner, he was staring down into his phone when both Danny and Louis turned towards his approaching footsteps. "You guys seen this shit?" He asked once he got close enough. 

"What?" Danny asked, a bit confused. 

"You mean this video? I just got mine!" Keller was next, waving his phone around as he too ran into the living room, he stumbled a little on his left foot but Owen to the rescue held the boy before he fell face-first onto the polished tiles.

"If it's the same as I just got then yes," Louis replied, picking Danny up once again and balancing him nicely on his thighs. "Now, who said you could untie yourself and more so put your shirt back on, hmm?" He groaned into Danny's ear and the other whimpered as a cold shiver shook his frame, causing him to fall into Louis's neck. 

"I'm sorry." He whispered and Louis smiled. 

"Sorry what?" He demanded, groping Danny's ass and giving the sore cheeks a firm squeeze.

Danny moaned, his toes curl and feet tangled up against Louis's back as he wrapped them around the man. "S-Sorry, M-Master." his voice broke a billion times before he completed those two words. 

Louis was pleased. He sprung onto his feet while still holding Danny effortlessly in his arms, he made a dash for their bedroom but a voice coming through the entrance door halted the horny boy's steps and he stood there groaning in sexual frustration at the intruder. 

"You sure have impeccable timing, JC." He said with gritted teeth and flaring eyes.  

"Shut it, you haven't seen me in days and this is the hello I get, you selfish little fuck!" JC returned and the others laughed even Danny but he was soon reprimanded for snickering when Louis slapped his cheeks hard, which had him stifling his laughter as well as letting out a series of strangled moans.

"Why you so mean to me?" Dylon feigned sadness and nearly laughed again when he saw the incredulous look his lover threw at him.

"I'm being mean to you? You're the one who keeps rubbing up on me." Louis hissed when Danny pressed into his hardness right after he said that.

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