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Chapter. 38

That night was the exact definition of restless. Dylon tossed and turned until nearly three in the morning and for some reason, he fell asleep then. 

So much for getting a well-deserved rest so he doesn't meet his lover looking like he's just been spat out from a low-budget zombie movie.

He did sleep through his alarm and when he finally jolted awake, it was mid-noon and he had only a few minutes to get himself ready, make a call to find out why what he had ordered hadn't been delivered. 

But he decided on making the calls first before he went into the bathroom, so he twisted onto his side and snatched his phone from the bedside table, nearly knocking the night lamp down. 

Punching a few numbers on the screen, he pressed it into his ear and waited.

"Thank you for calling King's Bake Delight, how may we help you?" 

"Hi, I'm Dylon, I placed an order yesterday and it's supposed to have gotten to me by now but for some reason, it hasn't. Where the hell is my cake?" Attitude firing away. 

Damn, he seems pretty grumpy for a good day. 

"Oh, we are so sorry sir, we ran into a little delay yesterday, we sincerely apologize... but your cake is out for delivery as we speak, you should be receiving it in about five to ten minutes." The other voice sounded apologetic and Dylon felt like a douche for talking to him rudely. 

"Oh, uh, yeah, thanks." He dropped the call immediately and breathed out loudly. One hand reaching to his face he massaged his eyes tiredly. Though he had slept longer than he had planned, he still felt amazingly tired. Perhaps going so long with less and less sleep had finally caught up with his exhausted body. 

But today is a special day, no need for sleep, he has a date with destiny so while his custom cupcake spectacular is on the way he made another call. 

"Hello, this is Beck In-Sells from Roses Fountain, how may I help you today?" 

"Yes, Uhm, I'd like your finest delivered to this address, please." He spoke, a little nervous as he called out the address to her. 

"Alright sir, how fast would you like it delivered?" 

"In ten minutes if that's possible." He said trying not to sound like a jerk this time. 

"Of course, we'll have it sent. How would you like to make payment?" 

Rolling his eyes, he replied, "credit card."

"I'll send you the product as well as the bill and once we've confirmed your payment and that you like our choice picked, we'll have it sent over, is that okay?" 

"Yes, please, hurry, I don't have much time." 

"Of course, thank you for shopping with Roses Fountain." 

"Yeah, whatever." Again, he snapped before ending the conversation. 

He had just gotten out of bed when his phone dinged, he picked it up, swiping the screen and a very beautiful elegant rose flower filled his vision.

"Perfect for my soulmate." He muttered to himself.

Below his screen is the link for payment and a request to know if he wanted a note sent along with the flowers and what he'd like the note to say. He filled in the blank space saying he didn't want a note sent and made payment. A dancing bunny appeared on his screen with the words 'Congratulations, your payment has been received. He groaned and tossed the phone aside, before getting out of his sleepwears to get into the shower. 

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