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Chapter. 36.

Dylon huffed and tossed on his bed as he remembered that dreadful day. He didn't even leave his damn address so he would go find him. The dance is tomorrow and their graduation is just the day after. He hadn't planned it was going to be this miserable. 

Louis hadn't even bothered to come to his dreams since he left, it's like he went cold turkey on him. 

Maybe he was finally moving on and forgetting all about him.

But was that even possible? 

His soul wouldn't agree to that and he knew it just wasn't possible. 

Vera had told him they belonged together and it didn't matter how long it would take for him to see it, she was willing to wait for him. She seemed almost too convinced they would get back together, it creeped him out. 

"You liked it when we were together. When I kissed you and sucked your dick, how can you stay away from all that for long? It's only a matter of time Dylon, baby, you'll see." She blew him a kiss and sauntered down the hall, living the sound of her heel piercing into his wounded heart.

His phone dinged and he didn't pick it up, rather he peeped over his shoulder and into the bright screen. 

Hey love, just checking in, you need  someone to warm your bed tonight,  
you know where to find me.

He looked again and didn't recognize the number but when he read the text a second time, there was no denying who had sent the text. 

She sure doesn't take no for an answer, does she?

He rolled his eyes and fell back into the bed. He wasn't going to crawl back into her arms just because he's depressed from Louis's absence but right now he needed some sort of comfort, any kind, that didn't include running off to get it recklessly. He had stupidly run into her arms and now her claws remain as a tortured reminder of his mistakes. His decision had hurt them badly before, he wouldn't do that again. He turned and picked up his phone and stared at it for a while. Except for the unknown text from the unwanted, there was nothing else on the screen.

He had expected something from Levon but as always since he left, there were no missed calls, no text messages, nothing, even his phone oozes depression. 

A loud bang echoed on his door and he grunted and turned on his stomach, tossing his phone to the side he clamped his eyes shut and ignored the knock. 

He told them to leave him alone. 

He didn't want to eat or speak with anyone. 

Louis was DJ's brother who returned to him and yet DJ had let him walk out of his life a second time. He wasn't ready to speak with his father right now. 

They all better leave him alone.

"Dy?!" His sister called and he grunted a million times in one hour. "You know you gotta come out some time!" 

"Leave me alone!" His voice muffled under the sheets with his face pressed into it so hard his chest was starting to hurt as he couldn't take in oxygen. 

"I'm gonna go get Dad to break down this door if you don't get your lazy ass out of that bed and open the door for me!"

Dylon knew she made it through with her threats but was he bothered by that? Heck no, so he went on and ignored her still. 

"Hey, sweetie, did you give him the message yet?" Dylon caught his father's voice from the door and this piqued his interest. He turned to his face and puffed out air from his lungs, wiping drools from the side of his mouth which seemed to have collected as he stayed buried in the sheet without breathing for some time.

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