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Chapter: 83.

The court case had lasted longer than they had all expected, Vera was mentally evaluated after her records evidence was played and relief flooded their faces once she wasn't found mentally unbalanced. She had murdered Jenny Jean while she was a minor but due to the brutality of her action she got trailed as an adult. She was convicted of several charges in addition to murder, so she got a separate sentence for each additional charge ending in her twenty-five to life but there was still very little to hold her father for and JC didn't like that bit. Call him cruel, he knew the father supported his daughter and aided all her evil plots even provided her with means to carry out those plots. He should be getting what comes to him but there was very little provided. But, he lost his political chase and got five years. Steaming in anger, JC drove both him and Arthur down the lonely road, they were both headed for the nearby restaurant for what was supposed to be their dinner date. 

All the while they drove in silence, Arthur observed the man as his expressions shifted every now and then, from both fits of anger to frustration, to hatred. He wanted to console the man but didn't know how. One thing was for certain, their dinner might just have to wait another time. It's a big day tomorrow, they have one last day at the court and then the party. 

Arthur looked around them, they were on a lonely highway, few cars drove past every now and then and just a little way ahead is a part leading to the creeks.

"Pull over." He whispered and JC turned to throw a questioning glare at him.

"What?" He demanded, not understanding him from before.

"I said, pull over…" Arthur whispered again and the man slowed down to that. "Right there, turn into that part." 

JC obeyed, pulled over and drove a short distance away from the road then parked. 

"What is it?" He asked, turning the engine off and turning towards the boy. He tried to read his expression but they were too distant; he couldn't make out what he was thinking at that very moment. "You-- Did I do something wrong?"

"You're riding with me and yet your mind remains occupied with different thoughts." 

"I'm sorry. It's just, I wanted him to get a longer sentence but it looks like he's getting away with just five, I'm pissed at that." 

"We did our best, we solved this case and many others, you should be proud of that achievement first of all before beating yourself up for matters as irrelevant as this one especially not tonight." 

JC smiled, his eyes sparkled a bit with shame and guilt as he knew Arthur was right. They should be celebrating tonight. "I'm sorry-"

"Out of the car." 

Again, startled by the boy's sudden commands, he glared at him yet again. But, this time he simply got out and didn't ask further questions. Arthur followed just after, turned from his side to meet JC on the other side. He pulled the backseat door open then slowly shoved the unprepared JC into the backseat, taking the man by surprise. JC didn't get the chance to question the boy before their lips met in a searing kiss that left JC breathless and lightheaded while Arthur basked in the feelings he had found in the older man. 

Loving the confidence and control from the younger boy, JC gave into the tender touch and lost himself in the sweet kiss and his amazing scent. His hands were on Arthur's waist while he started working on his clothes. Arthur took off his jacket and tossed it towards the front seat. His fingers started unbuttoning JC's shirt and smiled seeing JC lose it even more. They had not broken the kiss once during the time they stripped each other down to their last piece of clothing. Arthur pulled JC's hands away from his waist, pinning them above his head, on the windows and JC stared at where his hands locked, pressed tightly against the glass, his eyes returned to meet those of Arthur's and he didn't miss that evil smirk forming on his handsome face. The boy stole his breath when he joined their lips again, kissing him more fiercely this time. 

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