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Chapter, 13

Levon turned to go find Dylon but Denis pulled him back and dragged him away from the other boys. Once they've reached a much quieter place. Denis told him about Vera. Her family's reputation in the town and how it was impossible to go against the girl. He also went deeper to tell him about his relationship with Jean. The bullying and how Vera's dirty secrets were kept hidden because of her father. 

Denis was worried for the boy once he had seen that clip. He may have only known Levon for just a few days but he could see how much he cared for Dylon. Of course, he knew who Dylon was, the boy who never felt pain. He's even bet once to have the boy kick his foot into the bleachers after baseball practice and they had all gone bonkers when they saw the boy twisted his ankle yet he didn't make any sound nor felt the pain.

Dylon was also a very loving person and most everyone at school admired the boy since he was easygoing and loved nearly everybody. Which was why he was confused for a bit when he learned the one being so mean to Levon was Dylon. He never would have thought he had it in him to be mean to anybody. 

His confessions and little knowledge of the boy caused more pain to Levon than he let his expression show. Levon wondered why Dylon suddenly hates him so much. He had seemed very friendly the first time he came to class and everything just changed after that afternoon in the locker room.

He should never have shown him that birthmark, maybe they would have at least stayed friends. 


"I don't want to know what is happening but as far as Little Miss Devil is involved it would be best you stay away from him," Denis warned, in his eyes held deep concern as he had experienced the girl's wrath first hand. 

He cares for Levon and wouldn't want to see him get hurt as he had. 

Vera could create any story and everyone would believe her. She's that powerful. And if she discovers her boyfriend whom she has had a major crush on for ages now has another boy who is into him, all hell is going to let loose.

Levon didn't look frightened by this news nor did he look as if he was going to listen to all Denis had to say so Denis pushed further. 

"Why do you think they call her 'Little Miss Devil? She earned her title and she's proud of it." 

"She kissed what's MINE!" Levon yelled. His anger rate at that point could burn down an entire building.

"You said it yourself, what's yours went after her first, didn't he?" 

Levon felt defeated but he wasn't going to stop. 

"She didn't force him. He asked for this and what makes you think you can stop her when Dylon is fully into her at this point."

"He is not into her!" 

"How would you know?"

"I can feel it. He is only into her because he wants to get rid of me."

"Then he doesn't want you!" 

"Fuck you, Denis!" Levon shoved the boy with so much force he stumbled, nearly losing balance and falling on his fanny. But, Levon ignored his falling state and went on to speak. "Oh, now you think you know everything about me, huh?" He felt the blow from Denis's words and even if he doesn't want to consider that as a possibility, it still poses as the answer to why Dylon has treated him so badly.

What has he done to deserve such cruelty from the man he has loved from their previous lives even unto this one?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get you angry. I was only making a point from your own point of view." 

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