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Chapter: 80.

The alarm clock on the nightstand blinked, 2:15am. It was a warm night, the blankets had been kicked away into a tangled mess sometime earlier and the young man that lay on the bed wore only a threadbare pair of sweatpants. He was on his side, asleep and facing the wall with a peaceful expression. He was exhausted, he didn't go to bed until late at night, filled with thoughts about Dalton and all they heard from that audio, it was a lot too much, and even as plain as it was that Dalton had betrayed both Levon and Dylon, it was just too much to settle in. He wanted to hate the boy for going to that extreme but just like Dylon, he couldn't hate him, not without explanation of why he had done such a terrible thing to his friend.

They considered themselves brothers given they have been friends since childhood.

How can you hate someone like that?

They've been through so much together in the past, it seems whatever madness drove him intensified since Levon's return.

He remained still as the faint echo of a doorknob being jiggled and then unlocked sounded in the room. The tiniest hint of a smile appeared on his lips as footsteps moved through the spacious bedroom, but it was schooled back into a sleeping guise by the time the intruder fully emerged into the bedroom.

The man that slipped into the room was average height, his features indistinguishable in the dim light cast by the clock. The intruder had a duffel bag slung over one shoulder, but set it down beside the bed as he approached. He watched the sleeping man as he bent down and unzipped the bag, removing four rolled-up straps from inside. Quietly he moved around to each corner of the bed, anchoring a strap to each of the bedposts.

He reached again for the duffel but stilled as the man on the bed moved slightly. He waited and glanced towards the door to check the escape route. Fleeing was unnecessary, all Keller did was restlessly turn his face against the pillow and snore softly with his breath stirring the curls that framed his face. The intruder resumed movement then, pulling cuffs from the duffel bag and carefully reaching over the sleeping body. His movements were gentle but certain as he secured two of the cuffs around the sleeping man's wrists, then the other two around his ankles.

Once the cuffs were in place he secured them to the straps, letting them remain loose as he considered his next move. His captive could still escape the bindings if he awoke then, he would only be truly helpless after the straps had been pulled tight. Rather than do that the intruder reached into his duffel bag one more time. He extracted a pair of earplugs and a face mask with a single hole for a mouth.

The intruder knelt on the bed. Keller murmured in his sleep, then twitched a little as the earplugs were placed in his ears, but didn't wake even as the mask was pulled over his head to cover his eyes.

A smile flitted across the intruder's lips and he glanced over at the clock as he brushed his fingers across the younger man's lips. 3a.m, right on time. He firmly covered his mouth.

Keller shifted, stretching against his bedsheets as he 'woke' as naturally as he could. The stranger held his mouth closed, waiting until the first sign of actual struggling before he let Keller breath and he set about tightening the bindings on his legs and arms.

Keller started to struggle earnestly as soon as the intruder's sure fingers finished securing the final cuff. He cussed and fought against the straps that held him to the bedposts. The bindings did not give, though he could move each limb an inch or two he could not slip the cuffs off or unlock them from the straps. Blind, deaf, and helpless, there was very little he could do.

His inside swelled, stomach knotting painfully as butterfly swans within. Excitement building with sheer hints of fear, it was the perfect combination. When he had told him earlier he was seeing him tonight, he hadn't thought he meant it this way. This was way beyond what he had expected and in truth, he couldn't be more willing, more enchanted, lust dripped immensely from every core but he must stay in character, he mustn't lose his senses along with his burning desires and break character. Even if he hadn't prepared for this in particular, it was just what he craved.

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