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Chapter. 34.

He has his best friend, his brother, and his lover. What more could he possibly ask for?

It only needed just one ingredient to spice up his world and that ingredient had just nearly made him lose his mind just a while ago.

He saw the tremors racking his lover's head as he watched JC with him. Louis knew the boy went crazier by the minute as he didn't want JC touching him like he was. He could almost hear his thoughts and feel the anger flowing through him and Louis didn't remember his Danny to be so possessive.

Louis smirked.

"I see you're still craving your stepfather still," JC gave him a knowing wink and smiled when Louis peeled his eyes away from his lover to have them returned to JC once again. "Of course, you still do." JC chuckled and the other snickered. 

Caught in the act. 

"I can't help it..." Louis agreed, "and yes, I still crave the man, he's my entire world, my life is him." 

"Indeed," JC couldn't agree more. "It has always been that way. Written in the stars, you two. Giving a whole different meaning to the word 'soulmate'." 

"Ah-ha! You kill me...," Louis chuckled, eyes meeting those of Danny briefly before returning his focus on JC.

"But it's true, this entire room reek of your love. I can almost smell it." JC met DJ's smiling face and he nodded before adding his dumb remark.

"Yeah, Yeah, I smell it too." 

"So do we." Both Dan and Mark echoed in unison.

"I'm gonna be sick." Draya made a barfing face but stopped once Lucy smacked her softly on the head. "Owie, grumpy much, mother." She rolled her eyes and smiled. 

"Remember how jealous I was at my grandfather then?" 

"Ha, are you asking me!" JC chuckled, both parents got closer to listen to the story as JC settled nicely beside Louis.

"Well, he is the only one that mattered to me then and even now." 

"And I see you still care for him the same, nothing's changed. You would still take the bullet for him." 

"And the fool did." Draya blurted out again. Lucy glared into her eyes and she whined... "Okay, okay, I'll stop." She made a zipping gesture on her lips.

"He is my soulmate, JC, you know this, I will care for him the best I know how for he is the most precious thing in the world for me. His pain is my pain, his heart is my heart and I will carry it around with me for the rest of eternity." 

"I remember he was often salty whenever he would see our mother with our father back then." DJ laughed and wiped tears from his eyes. "You know, it always confused me back then but somehow I could tell he wanted Danny more than he let out." 

"I was really jealous of her then. Of them both actually." 

"Oh, don't remind me, you would turn into such a bitch and then go on bitching about how she gets to have Danny's dick and how undeserving she was of that dick, and don't even get me started on how you wanted to rip your grandfather's cock from between his legs each time you say he has had his way with your one true love." 

Dylon blushed harder the longer they talked about the past as if he wasn't present in the room. His memories fed his thoughts with images from the past.

They weren't pretty but they were in the past now. 

They don't matter anymore and as long as he has Louis, he will be complete.

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