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Chapter. 55.

Without a doubt he knew Louis was responsible for this sudden calmness, he welcomed it, it felt like it's been forever since he felt nothing. So, this was how it felt when he knew no pain when Louis bore it all selflessly for him. His head fell forward, limply and out of strength to hold it up much longer as he watched those mesmerizing circles of light danced around his palm, its powerful energy flowing and speeding throughout his body. 

Healing him.

Not of the broken skins but of the torturous pains they left in their ache. 

He felt nothing now. 

This means, Louis must be in a lot of pain, and once again, Danny dreads this connection, this bond they shared, he wants his pain back, he would take them back because he wouldn't want to hurt Louis like that anymore. He's done that before and in many ways that left him cringing whenever he remembered what he's done in the past, thinking he feels no pain, without knowing someone out there bore them in his stead. 


Meanwhile, as Danny tried to fight Louis's soul, another boy lurked within the forest, hiding behind a tree, awaiting the best time to appear from behind the tree. It lasted forever while he stood there waiting for the right moment which seemed like it was never going to come but eventually he saw Miss Little Devil walk down the short flight of stairs and over to the still parked Van, then he waited and watched her get in.

The boy waited still and when he didn't hear those grunting and wails anymore he panicked that he may be too late and they may have killed Dylon. 

He is not into religion but he figured this could be the right time to pray and so he prayed for the boy within the hidden cabin. 

He opened his eyes when he heard more footsteps coming down the wooden stairs. He peeked and recognized those boys in the ski masks. They were the ones who had captured Dylon. His heart skipped when his eyes fell into a bleeding knife one of the boys held.

"No!" Both hands palming his mouth shut, he hadn't realized when he spoke the word, too frightened for the possibilities of the many damages that bleeding blade may have caused, the boy cried and hoped no one saw or heard.

He waited some more, they didn't look like they heard him and when he saw them get into the van and drove down the dirty part they came, he breathed out the breath he didn't know he held all this time. He felt his lungs expanding and shrinking as he panted breathlessly, then he ran into the building and once he pulled the first door open, he found Dylon lifeless and bleeding on the wooden floor. 

He ran towards him, picked the weak boy up in his hands. Momentarily confused, he didn't know where to start, he was cut and bleeding from nearly every pour. And he wasn't moving or making a sound, even his pulse was far too faint to be noticed as the boy pressed into his wrist. 

"Dylon, please, stay with me, please, don't die!" He wailed, pulling his shirt over his head, and off he began ripping the material into shreds, creating a makeshift bandage out of them, then he proceeded to bound as many wounds as his shirt could cover, trying to stop the flow of blood from leaving his body. "I'm here now, I'll find help, please just hang in there for me." Once he had finished sealing the deeper cuts, he turned his head around searching for the little shoulder bag he had brought with him and when he didn't find it, he looked down on the still lifeless body slumped against the wall and groaned painfully. "My bag is by the tree and my bicycle, please, hold on and I'll grab my water bottle for you, okay..." With that said he got up and bolted for the bike. He hated to leave Dylon like that but this was important. 

He was back with the bottle in no time, throwing the cap open and holding the water to Dylon's mouth, he poured the water in and watched them slip from Dylon's mouth, he didn't know if any went down his throat but he hoped it did. Throwing the bottle aside once it was emptied, he began to unfasten the chains around his ankles and wrists. Once bruised limbs fell limply beside the boy's side, Dylon fell into the wooden floor with a soft thump, a silent huff of warm air rushed out of his opened mouth making the other boy wail silently.  "Let's get you out of here," he started but stopped when he remembered what he had ridden to this place, it was his bicycle and there is no way in hell, he would fit a dying boy on a bike and ride them away from here. He needed a car and he knew one person he could call that would get here faster than the speed of light once he was pointed in the right direction. He knew he would be searching all over for Dylon right now. He reached into his side pocket for his phone and cussed when he didn't find it.

"You're so fucking stupid!" He ranted and got up reluctantly walking out of the cabin to go get his dumb phone from the useless bag. Once he came out of the cabin for the second time, he froze at the sight before him.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't the boy who murdered his girlfriend." The bitter girl smiled, and walked towards him, the boy was going to push her away and rush back in to get Dylon, he would put him on his back and ran out of this forest if he has to but he didn't do any of that as the boys from earlier emerged from all corners of the cabin, each holding an object that would send him to his grave long before he even blinked, so he stayed still. "You seriously didn't think I never noticed you standing behind the tree, did you?" She raised her thumb and the boy was surrounded, he fought against their hold but they were quick to subdue him and bound him to the ground. "This was supposed to be a party for one but since you've gotten yourself involved, I wouldn't mind making an exception out of you," she stared towards her minions and smiled. "You know what to do boys." 

Vera stood with both hands on her hips as she watched them take the boy into the cabin. 

There is plenty of room for everyone. 


Dressed in her favorite leather the girl sauntered into the spacious space, her lips tugged with a menacing smile and her eyes protected by dark glasses. The masked boys ogled as her hips swayed seductively with each step she took and one dared whistled once she's fully standing before them. Her eyes soon found her prized but a frown formed around her lips making her brows furrowed as she took in the sights of him. The boy was wrapped with a blood-stained piece of rags she assumed to be from Denis's shirt since the boy had been shirtless earlier. The blood soaking through them didn't help at all. Both his legs were bruised and bleeding terribly, most of his blood on the floor sipped peacefully between the cracks the wooden floor made and down beneath the earth. For a moment there she envied the earth for having a taste of his blood yet again.

"What the fuck!" She barked, glancing towards the still smirking idiots, she remembered she has seen one holding a knife earlier, the knife they had obviously used in stabbing through her victim's legs and she wanted nothing more than to take the knife and stab it through their legs, see how they like it, but she needed them and it would be a waste of time losing more boy-toys only for her to go back crying to her father to help her get some more playthings. "I said cut him a little on the legs for punishments not fucking disable him, you fools!" Snatching the glasses from her eyes she eyed them in pure hatred. 

They backed away, frightened by her. She was their Bose's favorite daughter and they weren't supposed to make any mistakes.


Next chapter for today, guys.

Thank you for reading!

See you tomorrow!

Stay safe, loves.

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