MIJA: 2.

421 45 17

Chapter. 65.

Vera tossed her purse to the side and slumped into her bed. She's had quite the eventful day today and to top it off with icing on the cake she had run into this really hot guy who she couldn't resist so she had followed him into his car and they had rendezvoused at the back of the seat while she played drunk.

It was too easy.

Having drunk all night at the club with the boys she walked out of the club and stumbled into a handsome stranger who happened to be at the right place at the right time. She felt him up with her right hand while she grabbed her purse with the left. The man had really sexy defined muscles, tight and hard and she wouldn't be caught dead saying 'no' to a sexy hunk. She clung to him, pretending she couldn't walk on her own. When he spoke his voice was sweet and tender and she near died from it.

"You can't drive like this, Miss, let me take you home."

The little mischievous voices in her head could be heard singing hallelujah once the handsome stranger offered to give her a ride.

"N-No-" she slurred, "I can get home on my own, thank you." She hiccupped and the man smiled, with ease picked her up bridal style, and carried her over to his car, his engine was running when he settled her in the passenger seat and she thought he had just left the club himself. He made to disentangle himself from her death grip but she held on tighter while giggling non-stop. "You're fine--youuu!" She slurred again and the man laughed this time.

"And you're cute, now let go so I can drive you home." He pleaded but she didn't listen, pretending like she hadn't heard him speak. "Miss?" He asked, thinking she fell asleep. "I'd need your address." Again she ignored him. "Miss?"

"It's Vera...," she poked at his hard chest and slurred again, "Vvve-ra!" Then she giggled. She wasn't even that drunk but she needed any attention she could get until she had her way with the man.

No way in hell she was going to let him go that easy.

"Thank you, Vera, don't drink so much when you know you have to drive home. You could get in serious trouble for drunk driving." He advised and tried freeing his shirt off her grip but she still wouldn't budge.

"Kissy..." She slurred and giggled, "No, kissy no leavey." She poked him again and again.

"No, you're drunk." He shook his head and she frowned and stabbed her finger into his chest again.

"I poooke you!" She slurred, "No--No, poke poke poke youuu... Kissy." She pouted.

The man inhaled then lowered his head and caught her lips in what he intended to be a quick gentle kiss but she grabbed on and deepened the kiss. Her tongue found his and he saw red. He ended up removing her from the passenger seat and into the back seat where they got comfortable.

It was one of the best wild sex she's ever had. Once she had gotten her sex drive satiated she got dressed, drunkenness gone, and stepped out of the car, blowing the man a kiss she sauntered down the parking lot to her own parked car and drove off while blowing another kiss to the still shocked face of the man who was now standing by his car and watching her pull away.

Quickly she got out of bed and hissed remembering she hadn't taken his phone number.

"Stupid, bitch, how could you!"

She bawled out, frowning. Such specimen of a man, how could she not have taken his phone number, what if she wanted to fuck him again, of course she would want to fuck him again, he was powerful, and she especially loved his aggressiveness as he held her and rendered her immobile while he ravished her body to their souls content. How on earth would she be able to find him now? Although he had looked oddly familiar she could have sworn she hadn't met him before.

He could be new in town and she may have just missed that nice piece of meat. She will have to go back to that club's parking lot in the morning. Maybe she might find him there waiting for her to show up as she's certain he too would have realized he didn't take her number.

She began to undress in front of her mirror wearing a soothing smile.

He definitely will be looking for her come morning. She knew that. They always do.

Who could resist this?

She smiled into her naked reflection in the mirror. Her hands slowly caressed her breasts, running down the smooth of her stomach. "Not bad at all." She giggled but her happiness was short-lived when a knock came on her door she hissed knowing it was her mother who stood by the open door.

"I'm tired, mom, I'm just going to take a bath and go to bed." She dismissed without even looking at the woman.


"You're not allowed to call me that!" She snapped at the woman. "Just leave my room, I need to sleep."

"And if I don't?" The woman demanded. "You would call your Dad on me again?" She scoffed and walked fully into the room, standing by the door she crossed her arms on her chest, staring daggers at the angry girl. "Vera, you make me feel sad for you. You have no idea what holes you are digging for yourself with your behavior. You are walking the dreadful road, you need to stop using your father's love for you to do the things you do!"

"Did he ever complain to you? Did he ever tell you he doesn't like what I do or what he does for me?"

"He has no choice, you're his only child, of course, he wouldn't want anything to happen to you. His love for you has clouded his better judgment of your dirty lifestyle. You will bring ruins into this household. You will be your own father's downfall!"


"Don't you dare, raise your voice at me!"

"And if I do, hmm?" She asked, challenging. "Why are you in my business all the time?"

"Your business?" The woman glared at her. "You dirty child. I can't believe I birthed such evil, I should have gotten rid of you when you were inside me!" The woman cried with resentment.

"Get out!" She warned.

"I can't believe I indulged for so long. I thought you learned your lesson, I thought you would change."

"Get. Out!" She warned again.

"You need help before you ruin us all!"

"Get out of my room!!!"

"Oh, I'll leave, but if you think this one will slide like that pastor's daughter's death, you may be sadly mistaken."

Shocked that she even knew about that, the girl gawked at the woman.

"Are you surprised that I know?" She mocked her with soft laughter. "Of course I do. You murdered that girl in cold blood and your father covered that up for you, if you do that again this time, I will be the fat lady singing!"


Her door slammed and the girl slumped into her bed.

"Ahhh!" She groaned, shoving everything she had on her study table down and breaking most.

She reached for her purse, picked it up, and took her phone. Quickly she dialed a number on it. Her mother has done it this time. She knew the woman always hated her but she has Daddy on her side and it doesn't matter if she disappeared tonight and doesn't come back home anymore, her Daddy wouldn't mind. He hates her too.


"Yeah, Luka, I need you to make someone disappear."

"That's my specialty, baby. Who you want to disappear?"

"My mother."


Okay, I gotta give it to her, she's quite an actor and she is cute when she is drunk, teehee! ,

Alright guys, four chapters for y'all.

Thanks again for your supports.

See you next update.

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