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Chapter. 40.

Hand in hand, both boys walked into the hall filled with lights and loud music. Bodies lined up and danced in a circle and those who didn't have anyone to dance with just sat alone on their chairs, sipping from their cups and watching others eat faces or grind into each other. 

Louis led his baby down the room to where his friends were. 

"Hey, Levy the man!" Owen hugged the boy on sight. "Dude, we was starting to wonder when you were gonna show up." He said while crushing the boy in his chest. 

"Tsk,'' Dylon hissed with a roll of his eyes as they all swarmed around Levon as if they missed him. He had seen how they moved on with their lives as if Levon was never a part of it and now he's here, they all love him.

"What?" Freddy asked, throwing him a frown. "You look mad." 

"Oh, yeah?" Dylon challenged. 

"Yeah man, what the hell is your problem?"

"My problem, you all haven't seen him in school in a week and neither of you idiots bothered to ask his whereabouts and now he's here you love him! I'd say you all have the problem, not me!" The irritated boy snapped but he didn't get the reaction he was expecting, rather he saw them exchange glances then begin to laugh.

What had he said that was so amusing?

"Aw, little tiger, trying to protect his man," Benson whined pouting and wiping at his eyes yet they didn't stop laughing.

Confused, he watched them laugh like idiots and it infuriated him to no end. "What?" He demanded, shooting a death glare, Levon's way. 

His foolish soulmate was laughing too.

"We need to talk, baby," Levon whispered into his ears.

"What? What do you want to talk about and why are they laughing?" He shot glares at the still laughing idiots before directing his glare back on Levon.

Levon pulled him away from the group and down into a little dark corner, he gripped both his hands and gently brought them to his lips. Dylon blinked when he kissed his hands and he could feel his racing heart start to slow down. 

"Forgive me, my sweet," Levon begged and Dylon wondered what he had done this time. 

"Why? You haven't done anything wrong. Have you?" He asked, eyes growing concerned. 

"Well, you see, they were aware that I was coming back and I had asked that they shouldn't tell you. I also told them to stay away from you and at the same time, keep an eye on you for me, and at the end of the day they informed me how you were at school." 

"Hold on," Dylon saw red, "you're saying that while you wouldn't pick my calls or return any of my texts, you spoke and texted with your friends every single day?!"

Lowing his head, Levon muttered, "Umm, yeah…" he kept his gaze on the ground, consumed with remorse, he wouldn't look at Dylon. 

Dylon forced their still intertwined hands apart and stepped back a bit from him. "So everyone knows, but me, you made me look like an idiot and you didn't even bother to tell me even on our way here, wow, Levon, such genius you are." Dylon walked away from him.

"Baby, wait, please." Levon tried to run after him but halted when Dylon turned sharply to face him. 

With gritted teeth, the angry boy seethed, "it'll be best you stay away from me tonight." 


"Go have fun with your friends. I don't wanna talk to you right now." Dylon ran, ignoring his many pleas to come back. 

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