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Chapter. 47.

Both boys got to the creek just in time. White round tables and chairs were all set. The refreshment stand stood on the left with a DJ turntable just close to it. Dylon looked around the green field to find his friends there. He thought it was a picnic organized by just Levon's friends but it seems the entire graduates were present for the picnic.

Which means Vera had to be here too.

And they seem to have a dress code, no wonder Levon had gotten them the outfits.

Dylon looked around for the girl but didn't find her anywhere, deciding to go ahead and enjoy his day with his soulmate, he turned to his side to stare at Levon who suddenly just stopped chatting with his friends to acknowledge his eyes on him, Dylon smiled. He didn't listen to what they were saying, too lost in his own sinful thoughts at how fucking sexy Louis looked with the beaming sun washing over his glorious tanned skin. 

Oh, God…

Danny hissed and walked the other way, he needed to find his friend and distract his mind before he went crazy in the presence of all their friends. 

"There he is!" Kel laughed and hugged the boy once he got closer to him. "Dude, you're all red and glowing," Kel grinned and Dylon smacked him hard across the chest. "Rude!" He grumbled but laughed. 

"I thought I saw Dalton with you a while ago?" Dylon noticed he was missing a friend. 

"Yeah, dummy just left, said he needed to go take care of something real quick," Keller told him.

"What thing? Dalton doesn't take care of nothing." Dylon questioned with raised brows. 

"Who cares…, tell me about yourself, what did Levon do to you the whole of yesterday? You wouldn't take your calls and nobody heard or seen you at Freddy's party either!" Keller pried but Dylon shoved him aside playfully and ignored his questions. 

Fuck, the boy had just reminded him what he was trying desperately to rid his mind off. He turned to find Levon staring at him and Danny gulped loudly. His eyes stayed locked on Louis's hunger gaze causing all the cells in his body to stand still, heat began to take over his entire being. 

Stop thinking those thoughts baby, you're driving me crazy. 

Danny whimpered when Louis's voice slithered into his mind. 

"Whoa, that bad, huh?" Keller gasped and Danny was knocked out of his trance to find the boy smiling like a maniac beside him. 


"You both were literally eye-fucking each other, bro!" A burst of laughter rumbled from the boy and Danny lowered his head, as the boy tumbled into the grass and laughed harder, clenching his stomach with both hands.

"How about I make your headstone read 'death by grasses'." Dylon dead-panned.

Kel laughed harder, he made a whizzing sound from his mouth as he panted, then he stopped and looked at his flushed friend. "Never thought I would see you so whipped, man, look at your face all red, you could explode from redness right now!" 

"Fuck you," Dylon murmured but wouldn't look at the boy still. It wasn't what the idiotic boy said that affected him, it was the need fueling his soul to rush back into the waiting arms of his lover and perhaps steal a kiss or two. 

"Oh no bros, I'll pass, you've got Mr. I-Can't-Take-My-Eyes-Off-You over there to do that for you." 

"Alright everyone, gathered around!" A loud voice reverberated about the field along with the sound of a fork clacking against a flute. The group gathered around in a circle and Dylon looked towards the canopy of trees to find an emerging silhouette until it turned into Dalton but he wasn't alone, he was with Vera and they both didn't look very delighted as with everyone around. 

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