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Chapter. 39.

“He sent roses?” DJ smiled at his wife.


“And he was smiling, Lucy. Like smiling."

“Uh-huh.” She rested her chin in her hand.



“Ain’t that something.” DJ shook his paper out again, smiling.

“And he was smiling.” Lucy clinked her cup with her husband’s. “We must be doing something right.”


"Alright you weirdos, Jack's here to pick me up," Draya told them, knocking them out of their fantasy. She wouldn't deny it though, it warmed her heart seeing her brother smiling a genuine smile. He looked so happy she was happy that he was happy if that even made sense. 

"Who's Jack?" DJ asked, getting on his feet and walking his daughter to the door. He opened it to find a nice-looking young man with untamed blond hair standing on his front porch. 

"Hello, Mr. Boyle." The boy greeted and DJ acknowledged him, his eyes accessing the boy.

"So, you'll be responsible for my daughter tonight?" He asked suspiciously.

"Dad..." Draya whined from beside him but DJ ignored her. If this teenager who couldn't tame his own hair wants to take his daughter then he better lay down a few rules. 

"Yes, sir!" The boy replied. 

"She should be home before ten, any later than that and you're in big trouble, young man!" 

"Dad!" Draya cried out, embarrassed for the boy getting chewed on.

"Alright, get in here, let's get a photo of you two." With one hand he yanked the boy into the foyer and there Lucy took a few clicks of them before they left. "Have a wonderful time!" They both called out to them. 

Sniffing Lucy, met her husband's eyes and whispered. "I just realized that soon they'll both be off to college.

"Yeah, so?" DJ asked, curious.

"We are going to miss them around here so much." 

"Honey, I love my children to the moon and back but hey, it's gonna be great, and need I say peaceful in this house, I'm looking forward to that day actually." 

"Hey!" Lucy smacked him hard across the face. "You know, it's obvious who Draya got the bad sass attitudes from." She giggled as the man grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into himself. 

DJ pressed his nose to her neck and inhaled deeply. "I've missed you, and now that we've got the house all to ourselves. What say you, we make the most of it, huh?" He kissed her gently and she laughed warmly, clinging onto his neck before the man lifted her off her feet and walked them into the bedroom. 


Using the directions he had saved from the letter, he drove around the large subdivision until he reached the last street.  A two-story house, painted white, sat at the end of a cul-de-sac. Parking on the street, Dylon got out of the car and straightened his tie, while balancing his gift in the other hand.

“Don’t chicken out,” he muttered, walking up the drive. “You can do this. It’s just Louis. Your soulmate.”

His confidence got him to the front porch, where he froze on the welcome mat. His finger wouldn’t press the doorbell. He felt like he was going to throw up. This was Louis! He was going to ask Louis to the dance. What if Louis changed his mind?  What if…

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