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Chapter: 67.

"I'm sorry I lied," Louis told him.

"You're not." Danny disagreed. 

"You're right." Caught in the act he surrendered. "I love you though."

"Undeniably so, I know without a doubt." Danny agreed and Louis chuckled again. He knew Danny was helping him deal with the pain by distracting him from the psychical emotions and he welcomed it.

"Has Vera returned this morning?"

"No, it's been oddly quiet, just waiting on you to get here." 

"I will be once, they're done rolling me up like pizza dough about to be baked." 

Danny laughed, it was like music to his ears, it felt like it's been ages since he heard him laugh. 

"God, I love you with all my heart, Danny." 

Inviting him deeper into his soul Danny let him see his flushed face and gentle smile. He saw Danny shrudder the longer his gaze lingered on him.

"I'm hungry." Louis blurted out of nowhere and Danny inhaled yet nodded. 

"I know."

"But you're hurt, don't know where to hold on to right now." Louis regretted his words just immediately, seeing those bloody bandages. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, you do know I heal faster whenever you take the pain, right?" Danny asked.

"What?" Louis gawked, he doesn't think he's heard that before. "Really?" He asked.

"Look…," Danny began to unwrap the bandages, slowly from his left leg and once he had it undone, Louis gasped when he saw the wounds all sealed up. "And here is all gone." Danny pushed his shirt up to show him the bruised marks on his ribs, all are fading into colors. "You don't only take the pain, but your energy heals me faster which is why the pain you feel is oftentimes too unbearable, you get weaker just so I am strong and yet you bear it all for me." 

Louis exhaled. "For you, just you." Louis grinned, tears slipped from his eyes and Keller caught it, showing it to the others. 

"Now, he's crying." He announced, eyes bulging.

"Shhh! Stop intruding in their private moment." Dalton cautioned and hit his head.

"This is like some supernatural shit, man. I want me a Danny too," Keller muttered to himself but they all heard and laughed. 

"I love you, Louis, I loved you then, I love you now and I will love you for eternity." His voice faded and was replaced by Owen yelling his name and smacking his butt cheeks. 

Once Louis registered what was happening he jumped away from those mean hands assaulting his ass.  "Hey, hey, easy, not yours to touch, geez!" He yelled, sitting up and discovering his semi-erection and nudity. When had they even taken his boxers off? He wondered but didn't ask as he simply bent over to search for the silk material but paused when Keller shoved it into his face.

"Looking for this?"

Louis hissed and grabbed it from him, pushing his legs into the fabric he pulled and settled in it. He noticed he could use his hands and legs without flinching every two seconds and he smiled and dared to get up. He was able to stand and even stump his feet about a few times, he still hurts but now it was much bearable. 

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