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Chapter. 22.

Once the car drove into the parking lot, Dylon was jumping out and headed straight for the entrance. He didn't even hear his father calling for him to slow down for the rest of them. He walked like a man on a mission, and one who clearly knows his surroundings and where his target is located. At that particular moment, he didn't want his mother, father, or sister. 

He wanted Louis.

His heart teetering on the edge, ready to fall off a cliff and into an ocean of pain at the thought of Levon and what he could be going through. 

The detective had said he had fallen into a coma now that frightened him more than he ever thought anything would his entire life. 

The thought of never seeing Louis again was one he dreaded. 

And it was all his fault.

He had brought this upon them. 

Upon Louis.

He walked shakily to the door, heart still slamming against his chest so hard he swears everyone within a five-mile radius could hear it, and the second he gets inside he's struck with a sudden wave of nausea.

Louis was here somewhere.

Here, in this overly sterile building full of illnesses and deaths. It makes Dylon sick to think of Louis being stuck here unconscious, lying limp all alone on a hospital bed, he has to force himself to take a deep breath to calm himself before he could take more steps into the reception center of the hospital. 

As he approached, the employees working in the section looked up at him as he stumbled forward, almost seeming sick. The woman at the front desk looked him up and down as soon as he got closer to her as if he had gone crazy or escaped his insane confinement. 

"Hi, are you okay?" She asked, worriedly. 

"I- I," He swallowed hard, only just now noticing the dryness in his mouth. He feels like he was going to pass out, the dull colors of the hospital walls are a dizzying blur around him, and he wobbles slightly on his feet as he tried again to speak only for a cracking whisper to pass his lips but his father got to him in time before he passes out in front of everyone. 

"Hi," DJ greeted as he approached them, his wife quickly held their son while he attended to the lady.

"Hello, welcome to HillsBay General Hospital. How can I help you this morning?" 

"We are here for Levon, he was in an accident three days ago, we are friends of the family." DJ tried to sound convincing as well as stronger than he had actually appeared to look, he didn't want to break down, his son needs him to be strong for both of them at this time.

Dylon on the other hand could feel tears beginning to brim in the corners of his eyes yet again for what feels like the hundredth time that morning since the police had first shown up in his house and all the while they rode to the hospital. 

The thoughts of what Levon must be going through these last few days ate at his very soul.


"You said you're a family friend?" She asked which DJ nodded to. "Alright, what's his name?" 

"Levon... Levon Mckimson." Dylon told the lady helping his father out as he knew the man didn't know his full name. She smiled at him sympathetically when his voice cracks as he speaks. 

"Are the families aware of your visit?" 

"Well, um....," 

"DJ?" He heard his name from behind and he turned to find Markus standing five feet away, he had to take a second to recognize the man's face and when he did, a smile lit up his face, while Markus chuckled lightly. "What are you doing here?" He asked, throwing his arms around the man in a welcoming hug. 

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